Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the covenant promise to Abram if he leaves his country, the split between Lot and Abram, the war with the capture of Lot and Abram's rescuing of Lot, the covenant of the pieces with Abram, the birth of Ishmael, and the covenant of circumcision.
This Torah Portion is an example of how important understanding Ancient Near Eastern Customs and culture is for us to know. Due to the fact that we live in the western hemisphere and we are not exposed to Middle eastern lifestyles or in this case Ancient Near Eastern daily life.
Our forefather live in a time frame in which laws were established and kingdom rule with power and dominate base on Covenant and Oath. Abraham lived during a time of kingdoms fighting one another for power and the fact that they live in the fertile crescent should be important for us to know the lifestyle, customs, and laws. There are many things in this portion that will not be understood unless we learn the legal fictions and context of ancient near eastern law in context of the life and times of the Fathers of our faith. I took extra time explaining context and legal code of the nations to try and bring a better light into the life of the early fathers of our faith.
We are also going to look at the covenant with Abraham from the perspective of honor and the duty of a client towards his patron.
Later in the Brit Portion we also touch in the Book for Romans chapter 4!
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Torah Portion Lech Lecha-pdf
- These are the Articles that I used as reference for this Torah Portion:
- Women in Mesopotamia
- Women in Hebrew and ANE Law
- The Family in the Ancient Near East
- Grants and covenant
- Abrams_Amen_Full
- Circumcision as a Covenant Rite
- Covenant in Biblical Hebrew
Books used for this Torah Portion:
- 1. Ancient Near Eastern Themes in Biblical Theology by Jeffrey Niehaus
- 2. Essential Papers on Israel and the Ancient Near East (article by Moshe Weinfeld)
- 3. Treaty of the Great King by Meredith Kline
- 4. Ancient Near Eastern Texts: by Pritchard
56 thoughts on “Parashah Lech L’Cha Complete”
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Ancients regarded a man having no honor without Land. Eqypt wrote of the Iburu, an Abaru has wanders having no land, sounds similar to Ibiru, or Hebrew. Showing Yehova’s Great Compassion and desire to lift up the down and out.
Rico, Special thanks to you and everybody for the time, effort, and study to make such great teachings available for all of us. I just listened to the Brit Portion and what a blessing that has been because it makes sense. Things are falling into place and I am connecting the dots – finally. I am learning so much from your ministry and I am truly blessed. Shalom!
Thanks so much Rico Cortes and team for the rich and profound material you guys are delivering to us. I have been extremely blessed and enlightened by doing the torah portions with all the in-depth of its content. May Abba continuously blessings and providing to this ministry. Shalom to all !
Because Yeshua lived, died, was buried, and resurrected I can be RECONCILED to Elohim and ADOPTED into the common wealth of Israel. By believing this good news, I am JUSTIFIED by faith and can enter into the kingdom. By taking an oath and confessing this with my mouth I have SALVATION. Now, the process of SANCTIFICATION is to walk the lifestyle of the redeemed (Torah), never looking back to my futile way of living life. I am no longer a gentile, I am one who has crossed over from death to life…a HEBREW. I will not encroach on the inheritance of my brother Judah…no! But as Ezekiel says, I am in their midst… among the sons of Israel; I shall be allotted an inheritance with them among the tribes of Israel. “And it will come about that in the tribe with which the alien stays, there you shall give his inheritance declares the LORD GOD”. Praise Yah! Thank you Rico!
Please correct and redirect any misunderstandings. I’m sorry I didn’t phrase my current understanding as an inquiry rather than a statement.
Melinda, your statement could not have been stated any better. This is what we who have been raised in the church’s must understand. As we decide as Ruth did, we completely change our status from gentile to Israelite. Salvation was made possible and now we walk it out until we reach the Kingdom. This is what Saul meant when he said to “work out your salvation with fear and trembling.” Be in awe of your walk and what it means to Yah! He delights in our obedience to His instructions to us.
SO Very thankful for you and the teaching. This is life changing. Thank you!
Have you read Abraham scroll? In that roll is narrated the story of the battle where Lot was taken, and so on. In chapter 6 , Abraham describes the king of Salem , very young and with Scars in HIS hands. It is beautiful.
Ricco, thank you sooo much. It’s simply amazing, all you give to us. Yehovah Yeshua are also simply amazing.
Ok so if a child leave home; they leave the blessing of their parents coveant, yes? Does that mean that our children should not leave home, until they are ready for a Torah covenant marriage? It seems to be true, especially if we look at how the ancients lived, and some Jewish today.
So I am not sure I grasp this Melczadok order, was it in Heaven before Adam? if so then means we need to be always connedted to Heaven here on earth?
Rico, thank you for your teachings. You of course, speak rather fast and that is good as it causes me to grab a hold and learn mire quickly.
Rico, Ryan, Elohim bless you bout, for such an excellent teachings regarding the Honor of our Heavenly king, the Torah takes a different dimension in understanding for me now, is unbelievable how everything seems to be renewed, like I’ve never study his word before, because I’m just understanding what is really all about. Justice, Righteousness, Honor, loyalty, Love. I pray to Elohim, for wisdom and undestanding so I can share these wonderfull teachings with my brothers here in Costa Rica with the semplicity and kindness that you guys have. Thank you Father for such great teachers, and thank you guys for your time and sacrifice.
Shabat Shalom
Ricco, very, very, very good and right on brother.