Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the hospitality that Abraham showed to his visitors, the saving of Lot, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the promise of a child to Abraham, the birth of Isaac, and the binding of Isaac.
It's also about how the Memra of YAH revealing himself to Abraham and how Abraham interceded on behalf of Lot. The Binding of Isaac is one of the most important readings in Judaism they read it over 367 times during the whole year, every day during the morning prayers also during the feast of Yom Teruah is second reading of the feast. This torah portion is important because it points to Messiah and how Yeshua would carry the wood like Isaac did.
The above portions focus in some of the following topics:
In the Torah Nugget we will be focusing in on Genesis 18 and what it meant for Abraham and his descendants to "do righteousness and justice". This motif carries on throughout the Torah and failure to perform it was the major reason why Israel was sent into exile. It was also prophesied to be what Yeshua would/will do, establish justice and righteousness.
In the 2015 Portion our focus will continue with presenting the Concept of Honor and Shame. The chapters in this portion cover almost all the aspects attached to this topic.
-Ascribed Honor
-Acquired Honor
-Challenge and Riposte
-Maintaining of Honor by means of an Oath
In the Brit Portion, we will revisit the concept of righteousness and justice that is a theme found throughout Scripture and will connect it with the injustice and unrighteousness of Sodom which is a theme connected later to Israel's lack of righteousness and justice and how Yeshua is the one who came to restore righteousness and justice!
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- Social Justice in Ancient Israel and the Ancient Near East by Moshe Weinfeld (Amazon Link)
- Vayera Torah Portion Honor Shame
44 thoughts on “Parashah VaYera Complete”
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Hi Rico. I have a question on application of Kosher? I have to Kosher my own meat. It is a very time consuming task. When I’m busy I have often wondered if this is really what ABBA intended with the law of eating Blood, or if it is one of the customs of the elders? Then in Parashah VaYera it strikes me, when Avraham sends the young man to prepare the kalf for the covenant meal. It would have taken almost an entire day to slaugter the kalf, bleed it out and then perform the Kosher ritual, when in the story it sounds like it’s fairly quick. Do you have any thoughts on this?
Shalom Corne
Rico I am new to Torah what would you recommend
As study material. I bought my first Tanak and
I was thinging about buying the inter linear Chamash
I appreciate your teaching thankyou for being so
welcome to the blog and if you go to the resource center on the blog there you can see a big amount of choices for study purposes.
Questions that arose: What did Lot infer when he said he couldn’t go to the mountain “lest the evil attach itself to me and die.” and….Lot’s daughters: are they symbolic of a certain people? Lot’s openness to handing them over….need to get some insights on that….thanks for all your input!!
It is so wonderful to see Messiah throughout the Scriptures.
Thank you Rico, for the wonderful teaching.
Did he ever say who YHWH was speaking to in 18:17. I must have missed it.
thank you Rico this is one of those teachings that I will have to listen to more than once becuse there is so much in it. Thank you for being a blessing
Thank you Reco, I am learning so much from you! YHWH bless you!
I have a question. Not on the Torah Parashah, but rather on the Haftarah 1 Kings 4:35 where is reads “the child ‘sneezed’ ‘seven’ times”. this jumped out at me as very odd so I looked up the words in Hebrew. To me these are very prophetic words regarding the millenial kingdom. I was wondering if you have done any teaching on this verse?
I also want to note 1 Kings 4:42-44 which is a direct correlation to Mt 14:15-21. Yah’shua was fulfilling the prophecy of Elijah! I had never connected these 2 passages together until YHVH brought all the wonderful Torah teachers to guide me in understanding HIS Word.
Thank you YHVH, thank you Rico!
You may find this interesting regarding the resurrection stories. This is from Tony Robinson of Restoration of Torah.
It is interesting to note that there are THREE stories in the Tanakh of literal
resurrections performed by a prophet. There are also THREE stories in the
New Testament of literal resurrections performed by the prophet Yeshua.
Resurrection of a widow’s child – The Widow of Zarephath (I Kings
17:17-24) versus the Widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
Resurrection of a prominent person’s child – The Shunammite woman
(II Kings 4:8-37) versus Jairus, the ruler of the synogogue (Luke 8:40-
Resurrection of a dead man – The man thrown into Elisha’s grave (II
Kings 13:20-20) versus Lazarus (John 11:1-37)
Shabbat Shalom! Thank you, I will check out the teachings. Also, my apologies, I did mean 2 Kings not 1 Kings, Oops!
Thank you so much for the link and download of the “beginners” simple prayers from the Siddur. I downloaded and printed out a copy for myself and my husband also. We both plan to use them daily.One question though;I’ve been told that there are specific set times which one is to pray the Amidah daily. I was told upon rising (between 9am but prior to noon). I don’t know if this is correct. Can you elaborate upon the 3 times daily to pray the prayers from the download. I assume it’s am,midday,and pm. I hope that you’re being refreshed in the land of Israel. Enjoy.
Isn’t judges 11 (willing sacrifice of Yaphetiah daughter also a parallel ?)If not why?
We are listening to the audio portion #1 and we are hearing a sound like it fast forwarding. Is anyone else hearing this and is there a way to fix it? Shabbat Shalom y’all!
I have the same problem. The audio goes to fastforwarding from time to time.
I don’t think it can be fixed unless you have the original source…
(Unless you are a die hard audio professional!) 🙂
Shabbat shalom!
to be able to use the archives on busy days/weeks/is a stupendous blessing. Thanks to Rico……thanks to his tech guy Victor…..and another thanks that we can eventually purchase all of these teachings……cannot express appreciation in words…..shalom alecheim!!!!