Parashah VaYera Complete

Home » Parashah VaYera Complete

Genesis 18:1 - 22:24

1 Kings 4:1-37

vayera WT

This Parashah covers the hospitality that Abraham showed to his visitors, the saving of Lot, the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, the promise of a child to Abraham, the birth of Isaac, and the binding of Isaac.

It's also about how the Memra of YAH revealing himself to Abraham and how Abraham interceded on behalf of Lot. The Binding of Isaac is one of the most important readings in Judaism they read it over 367 times during the whole year, every day during the morning prayers also during the feast of Yom Teruah is second reading of the feast. This torah portion is important because it points to Messiah and how Yeshua would carry the wood like Isaac did.

The above portions focus in some of the following topics:

In the Torah Nugget we will be focusing in on Genesis 18 and what it meant for Abraham and his descendants to "do righteousness and justice". This motif carries on throughout the Torah and failure to perform it was the major reason why Israel was sent into exile. It was also prophesied to be what Yeshua would/will do, establish justice and righteousness.

In the 2015 Portion our focus will continue with presenting the Concept of Honor and Shame. The chapters in this portion cover almost all the aspects attached to this topic.
-Ascribed Honor
-Acquired Honor
-Challenge and Riposte
-Maintaining of Honor by means of an Oath

In the Brit Portion, we will revisit the concept of righteousness and justice that is a theme found throughout Scripture and will connect it with the injustice and unrighteousness of Sodom which is a theme connected later to Israel's lack of righteousness and justice and how Yeshua is the one who came to restore righteousness and justice!

This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

  • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
  • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
  • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
  • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
  • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

44 thoughts on “Parashah VaYera Complete”

  1. Daniel Great Teaching !

    In regards to public honor; though there maybe rifts within the Hebraic family; to speak of it in public is Family Dishonor. Don’t think it does anyone anygood to talk about the mess of the Messicanic Movemant. If there are disagreements; they should be addressed in private.

  2. Rght now what we see in the world is Islam wants all vestiges of the Western ways out of Ancient near East Lands; when that happens then: Right now the laws of US, EU, UN are most likely Roman/Greek based; is why they can’t accept bible for evidence of Israelte right t the land. When the ways of West fall; then this Suzerinty Covenant will be accepted in the Near East. Keep all your documentation and explanation someday you’ll be the Great Attorney for all Israel.

  3. Hi Daniel – – Tonight i watched an amazing documentary for the second time and was stunned by something i really want you and Ryan and Rico you to check out! I first saw it on youtube a few weeks ago and ordered the DVD right away, since i love studying the history of how our King has worked in the various corners of His world. Yesterday i read the post Rico shared on facebook that you wrote about upright poles being a sign that a king/leader has come to bring justice. Needless to say, when i watched this again tonight i got so excited because i’d just read the your info hours before and spotted something that was now profound! Please, please PLEASE watch this story ASAP – BEFORE Rico leaves Alaska! Yes, i’m yelling, but the anticipation of you all seeing this is making me crazy and borderline bossy, but not rude, okay? It’s IMPORTANT! – – –

  4. These portions have been such a blessing to myself and my family. Thank you so very much for all the hard work you do. Blessings to you and your beautiful family

  5. Thank you Rico,
    So very refreshing hearing your Torah Portion. I needed a touch of the King today and He used you and your teaching! Be very blessed. Shalom to you and yours that comes only from Him and passes all understanding.

  6. Hi Rico, This is a question my husband presented me, and I could not answer him… If the messenger was YHWH, then why in Gen 18:21 “I am going down now to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me, and if not, I know.” Why does He have to go see and then He will know, shouldn’t He already know since He is YHWH? My poor husband has such a hard time reading the bible, he just doesn’t trust any translations or anything anymore because there is so much deception on both sides of the coin, from the church of Catholicism to Judiasim. His flesh always try to prove things wrong all the time. He hates being this way. If you all could pray for him that would be great, his name is Garland.

  7. Hi Rico, This is a question my husband presented me, and I could not answer him… If the messenger was YHWH, then why in Gen 18:21 “I am going down now to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me, and if not, I know.” Why does He have to go see and then He will know, shouldn’t He already know since He is YHWH? My poor husband has such a hard time reading the bible, he just doesn’t trust any translations or anything anymore because there is so much deception on both sides of the coin, from the church of Catholicism to Judiasim. His flesh always try to prove things wrong all the time. He hates being this way. If you all could pray for him that would be great, his name is Garland.

  8. I’m really curious as to why abimilech took sarah to be his wife – seeing as how she was described earlier as being too old to bear children? Don’t kings usually look for wives who are young, virgins and who can bear children? Also Rico, this is the first time I learned you have divorced/remarried….which doesn’t fit with your teachings on the marriage covenant and adultery…did this happen before you began to serve Yahweh?

    1. I rather talk to you about my personal life via phone and not publish it on the website. so if you call me after the 29th of November once I get home from Israel, we can talk about the subject. 813 766-0567 feel free to call.

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