Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the adoption of Yoseph's two sons and the final blessing of the sons of Jacob. This Portion deals with the prophetic restoration of the whole house of Israel. The story of Joseph as the Messiah figure in the role of the king and how the final restoration will not happen until the whole house of Israel is gathered as one.
We are connecting the story of Ephraim and Manasseh with the Ancient near East laws of Adoption. Did you know that the language Jacob used in the blessing to the children of Joseph lines up perfectly with the International understanding of Adoption in the Ancient world. I will do my best to connect that language to the letters of Paul and the clues left for us all through our Scriptures. We no longer need the approval of any system of Religion including Judaism.
We respect our older brother Judah and will learn from them but they do not hold the key to enter the kingdom only our heavenly father dictates who is His or not. Yeshua's work of redemption will guarantee our share of the inheritance in the kingdom. I praise our father YHVH for opening the way of Salvation and enter with the full rights of a citizen into His perfect Kingdom.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- A Ugaritic Parallel to the Adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh
58 thoughts on “Torah Portion Vayechi Complete”
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Shabbat Shalom all,
Rico great job again on this teaching. A real eye opener for me. I spoke to you on numerous occasions in the past, not sure if you remember me or not. I lived in New Jersey then moved to Florida. I met my beautiful wife there, we had a wonderful daughter Selina and now living in the lovely cold, freezing, sleeting, snowing, not so sunny, not so fun Rhode Island. Haha, JK… I wanted to thank you for being such an inspiration to me through out the last three years. I see the Almighty is blessing, that is wonderful. I became a member of your blog because I truly feel the Heavenly Father has anointed you to feed the lamb, and sheep. So , thank you again for the very special and spiritually charging message. Shalom and may YAHUAH bless you and keep you always in YAHUSHUA’S name. Your brother in Moshiach’s name and love.
Angel L. Torres, formally Angel L. Rodrigo
Hello Rico,
Sorry, but we are not freezing up here in Canada yet…… But very happy you are excited to be in the sun and get some R and R.
Thank you for your teachings and helping us to grow along with you.
I have been using the Chumash for almost 3 years now, along with many of the same references you do. I am continually fascinated with what the Ruach is showing me.
It makes me very happy to see how you too are happy with what you are now learning.
I have always wanted to know the meaning of any and all names, so in this weeks Parasha the name Goren HaAtad stood out to me, and although I have read this before it really struck me this time. The commentary states:
Goren HaAtad. Literally, the field, or threshing floor, of thorns, implying that the field was surounded by thorns (that in itself is prophetic to me). The sages (Sotah 13A), however, give another derivation of the name. The kings of Canaan and the princes of Ishmael massed to prevent the burial, but when they saw Yoseph’s Crown hanging on Ya’akov coffin, they relented and hung their crowns in tribute to the Patriarch. With a total of thirty-six crowns hanging from it, the coffin resembled a field surrounded by thorns, and the area was named for that event (Rashi).
Amazing!There is much to be seen in this… Also according to Strongs the name Avel Mitzraim means: meadow of Egypt.
The embalming of both Ya’akov and Yoseph had me thinking… doesn’t this process actually dry out the flesh and bones? Which had me thinking of the prophecy of the dry bones and flesh coming together….there are so many shadow pictures. I love how the Father teaches, HalleluYah. I agree with Shalom963, the Torah gives a hint about it being physcians and not pagan high priests that were tasked with this job.
One question; am I wrong in thinking Yoseph reigned longer than any other ruler, bar none, including Queen Victoria and now Elizabeth II ?
Thank you for your joy when sharing Torah.
Shabbath Shalom, Joan
It seems like the word “grow” has to do with “fish” instead of the word “multitude”. Didn’t catch that the first time around.
grow H1711
A primitive root; to move rapidly; used only as a denominative from H1709; to spawn, that is, become numerous: – grow.
fish H1709
דּאג דּגo
dâg dâ’g
dawg, dawg
From H1711; a fish (as prolific); or perhaps rather from H1672 (as timid); but still better from H1672 (in the sense of squirming, that is, moving by the vibratory action of the tail); a fish (often used collectively): – fish.
multitude H7230
From H7231; abundance (in any respect): – abundance (-antly), all, X common [sort], excellent, great (-ly, -ness, number), huge, be increased, long, many, more in number, most, much, multitude, plenty (-ifully), X very [age].
So Rico
I get the impression that the weather in PR is pretty nice, is that right?,,, (-:
Great teaching, especially about the dag (fish). It filled some gaps in my understanding. In my studies, I had noticed that YHVH pronounced a special blessing upon the fish at creation. None of the other creations, save man, received such a blessing. “Elohim blessed them , saying, Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas…” Gen. 6:22 The rabbis say that the blessing was necessary because their potential would not be realized unless they were numerous (Sforno) Also, because God blessed the creatures with fruitfulness, He endowed them with the potential to proliferate and at the same time the direction and urge for it. (Hirsch) In addition,the word “multiply” in the blessing that Elohim utters implies multiple birth, i.e. One should bring forth many. Had the blessing not added “multiply,” each creature would bring forth only one more. (Rashi) The meaning, then, of the blessing is: I have endowed you with the capability of proliferation and with the blessing that you multiply exceedingly. Indeed, fish are far more abundant than animals. (Radak) The parallels are obvious as they apply to Ephraim, and to the multitude of believers brought forth by the One, that is, Messiah. Thanks for sharing your unique perspective — this is the reason I love the beit midrash!
Another great teaching Rico! Thank you! I had just finished reading the book of Judges again this morning and it leaves off concerning the tribe of Binyamin (chpts 19-21) which has provoked some thought. After identifying Binyamin as the one restoring the Hebrew roots , could this typify the struggle that will finally prevail in reconcilliation and acceptance. Pondering: who raped the wife? a picture of gentiles raping the Word of Elohim in their “Christian” beliefs of today, or Israel raping the bride of Elohim by denying Yeshua during this time? Just some ideas that sparked some thoughts :).
Dear Rico,
greetings from cold, snowy and wintery Idaho. You are missing so much in sunny, warm Puerto Rico. This teaching goes so deep into YHWH’s way of Fatherly instruction, teach and repeat until we are ready for more. How very different from the academic methods I have been educated in; these teachings are so deep into real life and so layered and ongoing, all of it applying to how we are to live a life within YHWH through Yeshua’s example in Torah. Sometimes it’s very overwhelming. Thank you !
Excellent! This portion has helped me greatly to connect some dots of thoughts and scriptures that have been given to me in years past. I can’t thank you enough for your teachings, definitely prayers answered. Shalom to you according to HIS glorious riches……May I add that Torah is rich………………… Carolyn
Rico, Just a fuzzy thought about the embalming of Jacob.
Gen 48:19 And his father refused, and said, I know it, my son, I know it: he also shall become a people, and he also shall be great: but truly his younger brother shall be greater than he, and his seed shall become a multitude of nations.
multitude is H4393 which references H4390.
Gen 50:3 And forty days were fulfilled for him; for so are fulfilled the days of those which are embalmed: and the Egyptians mourned for him threescore and ten days.
fulfilled in this verse is H4390 along with the reference to 40 days. Yeshua was 40 days in wilderness also and his body was desecrated by those rejecting him for the benefit of the nations – 70 like the egyptians mourned threescore and 10 days.
Hmmmm! Thank you so much for your teachings but the part I like best is you motivate me to do searching on my own too. This is the rabbi trail today’s assignment took me on. Still working on the assignment.
Shalom Hutov
Thanks so much for really teaching me the Torah. Thy Word is Truth!
Rico, thank you for putting together the valley of the dry bones with the Torah portion I am amazed at how much more revelation is coming for today from several years ago. Truly we are in the days of regathering. thank you my friend and do enjoy the lovely weather in Puerto Rico you deserve the break.