Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the adoption of Yoseph's two sons and the final blessing of the sons of Jacob. This Portion deals with the prophetic restoration of the whole house of Israel. The story of Joseph as the Messiah figure in the role of the king and how the final restoration will not happen until the whole house of Israel is gathered as one.
We are connecting the story of Ephraim and Manasseh with the Ancient near East laws of Adoption. Did you know that the language Jacob used in the blessing to the children of Joseph lines up perfectly with the International understanding of Adoption in the Ancient world. I will do my best to connect that language to the letters of Paul and the clues left for us all through our Scriptures. We no longer need the approval of any system of Religion including Judaism.
We respect our older brother Judah and will learn from them but they do not hold the key to enter the kingdom only our heavenly father dictates who is His or not. Yeshua's work of redemption will guarantee our share of the inheritance in the kingdom. I praise our father YHVH for opening the way of Salvation and enter with the full rights of a citizen into His perfect Kingdom.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- A Ugaritic Parallel to the Adoption of Ephraim and Manasseh
58 thoughts on “Torah Portion Vayechi Complete”
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The testator as Son of Man died for the covenant He and the Father first made with Adam, gave to Israel as ketuvah, and will be written in the HEART and mind of Israel and Y’hudah. When Abraham was put to sleep and the animals were cut in half it was Yeshua that literally walked on the blood and flesh of the animals. He took our place, our guilt and sins, upon Him as we would have to have suffered the same fate as the cut up animals. Father’s love and faithfulness to His word, to His covenant or Torah, is awesome! That Yeshua should take our place, my place, my guilt and sins, erasing by His perfect kadosh blood the POWER of all the sins committed against me and committed by me and by my ancestors, as well as of all those in COVENANT with Him is awesome beyond words! HaleluYAH, He has kept His word and will always do so to the last yod!
Yes, Ephraim has been the blind guide all along. That is why it insist on teaching “Torah has been done away with” because of faith/grace as if there hasnt been faith and grace since the get go. Yeshua and the Father are not affected by time and space so Yeshua’s death 2000 years ago is as if it happened 6000 years ago in our lifetime. When Yeshua as our High Priest looked down from the execution tree on the Temple’s altar and said “IT IS FINISHED” He was making an eternal priestly pronouncement. He made a once and for all times pronouncement that pierced our time and space continuum.
And listening again, what a blessing. The word bringing in new life.
I think it is ok, for anyone to get DNA testing, for whatever reason they want. How they handle that information is a test of good character. I think what we say is becuase of Yeshua, we don’t need to get DNA.
HalleluYah One of your bery best lessons.
Thank You
Ricco, appreciated the teaching of ANET Adoption. However, in the statement, if My people who are called by M y name – what name is the bible speaking of?
Why would the multiplication be coming close to the Jubilee? The annual cycle is year 1 tithe, year 2 double tithe, year 3 tithe, year 4 tithe, year 5 tithe, year 6 double tithe and with a PROMISE to tribple their harvest so that they well have some for th 7th year no planting, some for the 8th year, just planing anew and some for the 9th year, which is the 2nd year of the new cycle.
So we could be in the 6th year cycle; which is triple to preserve us through the 7th smittah year of no planing.
I see men as trees walking + I see the stick (tree) of Israel and the stick (tree) of Judah walking in Torah, the restoration of Israel
Hi Rico,
There’s no audio for part 2. Is there a reason? That’s how we listen is through the audio.
Shabbat Shalom,
Leesa and Cliff Neeley
Shabbat Shalom, Rico
I have a question. We just got done listening to the first part of this weeks Torah teaching. Could it be that Paul was witnessing first hand Yeshua’s ministry because Paul was a Pharisee? And that’s why he teaches the way he does like in Romans about Israel being partially blinded.
Plus, could it be that Paul was one of the Pharisees that posed different questions to Yeshua trying to trick him? We know he was there after Yeshua ascended to heaven and the disciples started preaching the Good News because of Stephen.
Whats your thoughts?
Blessings in Yeshua Messiah,
Re: Ariela’s question about verse 25….. What could it mean except that we are no longer under the law/trainer since now we are in faith… Thanks for helping to understand Rico!
If that is so, why is it written in Jer 31:31-34 that the same Torah that Yah established for this earthly creation and later made into a Ketuvah with Israel will be written in the heart and mind of Judah and Israel? Something that Yeshua declared in Mat 5 will not pass while heaven and earth exists and will be written in the heart and minds of Yah’s people cant hardly be done away with, now can it?
Shalom Rico; Can you please explain Galatians 3: 24 & 25, where it says The Torah served as a custodian until the Messiah came, so that we might be declared righteous on the ground of trusting and being faithful. 25. But now that the time for this trusting faithfulness has come, we are no longer under a custodian.
I know that this is the Scripture used for the basis of no longer following Torah, but I would really like to understand what the meaning really is. Thank you This is from the CJB version
Ariela, the text in the Aramaic English NT reads differently. Also, in the footnotes, Andrew Gabriel Roth gives a good commentary on the verses.
The church that Rome created in the 4th century was presented with an anomia (lawless) crestus romanus, dressed in a toga and wearing long hair. They did away with the Torah observant Jew who not only fallowed and taught Torah to His Jewish disciples, He in effect magnified Torah just as it says in Isa 42:21. The fact that though Scripture we see the continued observance of Torah by Yeshua’s disciples should give us a clue that the Gentiles have indeed inherited falsehoods. Even in Acts 15:20-21 we see that after pagans prove that they set aside they deities by doing the 4 steps then they can go to synagogue every Shabbat to learn Torah. Moses was given the ketuva or wedding contract with Israel and the grafted Gentiles that were with Israel but Torah or the living instructions was given as an eternal COVENANT between man and Yah at the creation of this earth which is why Yeshua in Mat 5:17-19 ties its existence to the existence of this heaven and earth,
The gospel, yes good news. What is he good news? A King has come to set captives free (Pharoush was new king he should have set Israeltes slaves free, he violated int’ law, so YHvh had right/respnsibility to punish him and take his slaves, set them free. Yeshua said, In your hearing today I have some to give sight to blind, let the ame walk; those statements mean He is a king coming to redeem an oppressed (by Rome) free that’s good news.