Radio Interview with Jono Radio about the House of Hillel and the House of Shammai

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Hi Lugi 34, This is a loose transliteration of the praise that Rico was singling to HaShem:
From shemot (Exodus 15:11)
Mi chamocha baeylim Adonai
Mi kamocha nedar (nedar) bakodesh
Nora t’hilot oseh feleh
Who is like Thee, O L-rd among the gods?
Who is like Thee there is none else?
You are awesome in Praise!
Doing wonders O L-rd
Who is like Thee, O L-rd?
Alternate verse for Shabbat evening:
Mal’chut’cha ra-u vanecha
Bokey-a yam lif’ney Moshe
Zeh Eyli anu v’am’ru
Adonai yimloch l’olam va-ed
Alternate verse for Shabbat morning:
Shira chadasha shib’chu g’ulim
L’shimcha al s’fat hayam
Yachad kulam hodu v’him l’chu v’am’ru
Adonai yimloch l’olam va-ed
Who is like you, Adonai, among other gods?
Who is like you, glorious in holiness,
awesome in praises, doing miracles?
With a new song, the ones You rescued
praised Your name at the sea shore.
All of them in unison gave thanks
and praised Your rule, and said:
“Adonai will reign for ever and ever.”
Be Blessed
To sister Mette “Miriam” in Norway (smbirkenes).
Todah(thank you) for the link to Chavav internetradio, good songs on it.Also songs of Mica’el Ben David, or beloved brother in YAH.
YAH bless you and your family.
Sister Marleen from Belgium.
Yes Rico,please make a cd,YAH will bless it,bring it with you next year when you come
to Belgium, so whe can buy it.YAH bless you and your family.
OK, I am with all of you in this. I would love to have a CD of your music. All I can say is WOW! Beautiful! I am so thankful to have found this website. I am so blessed.
Shabbat Shalom!
Orale! Que tal!! Por favor de segir cantando por nosotros cuando puedes. Muchisimas Gracias por todo lo que haces, ud. y tu familia. (Yo tambien vi un poco de marengue!)
Just fyi, you’re still teaching when you’re singing – it’s just that you put the words to prayer to a tune…
ps, What an amazing interview – the “between the lines” commentary for what was happening back then really helps to flesh out the scriptures and bring them to life. Thank you! I will look for the books to read that you referenced –
The Encyclopedia of Talmudic Sages and
Jesus the Pharisee, by Harvey Falk