Shavuot and the Temple

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In this teaching Rico discusses the Temple, with the feast of Shavuot, since all the feast revolve around the Temple, making it crucial to understand the feasts of the Lord in every aspect of our lives.

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

2 thoughts on “Shavuot and the Temple”

  1. LOretta Chavez

    Oh thank YHVH for you and this teaching. It makes this service so much clearer by the actual seeing the procession of the bringing in the first fruits and what they were doing and singing. Oh what a blessing it is to be able to participate in the procession by this apt. Praise the Lord, Hallelujah!!!

  2. That was really a good teaching. That pilgrimage walkway is amazing how it’s being uncovered, a lot of work done, the video of the steps to and through the temple is so amazing, and with your commentary Rico, it really puts it to life. Thank You for all that you do to teach us.

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