Don't Forget to
Please, No argument about the way I spelled the name of Yeshua 7 Years ago. Due to my research from the Hebrew I am now writing it YESHUA.
Yeshua spoke some very specific words one day during the Feast of Sukkot that sent shock waves in the Temple courts. The verse John 7:37 reads: In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink.
- Did you know there was a Water Ceremony done on the Altar the same day Yeshua spoke these words?
- Do you know what the significance of this ceremony was?
- Do you know from which well in Jerusalem they would get the water from?
- Did you know that the waters of the Well had a Name?
- Which Psalms were sung during this Temple service Ritual?
- This and much more will be answered in this teaching.
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14 thoughts on “Sukkot Teaching: Yeshua the Well of Living Waters”
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Another great teaching Rico, ty. Looking forward to your new torah portions connecting NT Yeshua to it.
At 21:10 you said “thats the kind of Yah the story of Joseph going through the whole thing????? Love to know what you are referring to here”
Also the meaning you give about the word Amen I cant find a confirmation of that…….
I am blessed to have Teacher like you
Chag semeach Raboni
This is so relevant to the teaching you gave for the new disciple class. To bad you could not merge the two together. I know it was for sukkot but it is also for all times of the year that we repent and come together as one in Messiah. Thank-you Rico for this teaching Rico!
Happy Sukkot Rico! Thanks for letting YHVH Use You!
Happy Sukkot brother Rico, and to your family! I remember last year at SUKKOT Kol HaMashiach and your wonderful teachings. I am glad to be celebrating this year online with your awesome teaching, and with Michael Rood in Denver, CO. I thank YHVH for such anointed, passionate teachers! I look forward to a continued deepening in the knowledge and Wisdom of YHVH, and to recording the psalms that I heard music of in my spirit, after listening to your teaching on Temple Praise. I hit the record button and sang Psalm 118 in the Ruach, and this song is called, BEES.
DeVora Clark
Very eye-opening. Thank you for your teaching! Yes, let’s pray or unity of the believers-the Children of Israel! …And that we would follow the cloud…Blessings.
How do you get this to play?
Click the arrow at the bottom of the post.
Shalom Rico:
Le felicito por tan excelente ense~anza y la pasion que tiene por nuestro Amado. Adelante, esperamos que pueda estar pronto por P.R. compartiendo la Palabra.
Que YHVH le bendiga y guarde mucho
Maria Nilda Cruz de Glez.
Shalom Rico!
Thank you for that statement! We are all at different levels in our understanding, our gifts, our Wisdom and our abilities. I would love to see all join together in our differences and understand that it is Yeshua, from YHVH with the Ruach, who will lead guide and protect those who are willing to do whatever it takes to let Him teach us through his Spirit and teachers like you and many others, rather than have all the “experts” come and tell or show who is doing wrong, or just pointing out the “faults” of others. He came to make “One New Man” a man in Him! I am so tired of all the division! Blessed be His Name forever! Shalom achi!
Why was there a cleansing of the alter at that time? Were their other scheduled times? and under what conditions would necessitate an altar cleansing outside the scheduled times?
Most all the “messianic” teachers, one house – two house, Jews and Gentiles, Ephraim and Judah; whatever agree this is Elohim’s move on the earth; most all these same teachers then speak of the movement as “messy”, disunified, blah, balh = if it’s His move on the earth you are all complaining against HIM, not each other. Every group, every leader has a different life experience, different giftings, different methods; let’s be appreciative of one another’s differences.
Your teaching time is way to valuable to spend on what Church did or didn’t do; or what the “messianic” move does or does’t. Just give your best.