Don't Forget to
This Teaching was recorded at El Shaddai Ministries in Tacoma, Washington with Pastor Mark. Is not the whole teaching but I share some thing that were not mentioned at the green screen series on the Blog. I pray that you really focus on the time of Repentance and ask our Father to lead us into the path of servant hood.
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6 thoughts on “The Grant Covenant at El Shaddai Ministries Congregation”
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When I listen to you teach, all the cares of the world goes away! My king, my elohiem and adonai fills me with love,repentance and greatfulness, that it’s beyond any words. Thank you for being my Torah teacher, may Yahweh bless you as you have blessed me!
Your achot in Yeshua
Patricia (Yechiela)
Appreciate your asking, “how many years in this (USA) country?” However, an answer was never heard; why would you mention when Christopher Columbus; he may have landed; but what’s that got to do with anything?
A significant date is Declaraction of Independence, 7-4-1776, which Hebrew date is 9th of Av
Are lands colonized by EU being returned to indigenous peoples? would be part of smittah instructions
Also, if need to prove a point” “court of levites” slow down, give us verse and allow time to look up or have overhead, please
No greater oath than “heaven and earth” or “mountains and valleys” as by virture of Creation they belong to Him
if one breaks their oath, the give up the items they gave to back oath = Heaven and Earth
Te lo dire en spanish; Habia escuchado un poco del tema ya contigo, pero aqui pude entender otras cosas. Es asombroso, la revelacion que HaShem te ha entregado por tu fidelidad, humildad ect. . Todavia estoy atonito.
Que tremenda bendicion es tenerte como Amigo, maestro, mentor ,y mi hno mayor. Que YHWH te Colme de bendiciones, te prospere mas aun, y te haga realidad los ahnelos de tu corazon.
Todah rabah.
This was an amazing teaching. Thanks for sharing your heart in this time of repentance.
I do not have the words ro express my graditude for your teaching today.My prayer is that your teachings could be heard throught this country, and world to point people to our True King and His ways.
I will continue to pray Yahweh,s blessings on you and your ministry, to bring our King the glory and honor He deserves.
The presence of the spirit was palpable during this teaching and can be felt even while watching the video of it. One thing you brought out that hadn’t penetrated my understanding before was that the tree of life, while being an actual living tree, is also a metafor for the Torah. The heart of Elohim in the center of His creation. Awesome how the more we study and strive to be obedient, the more truth is revealed.
When I first became a christian 30 plus years ago, I felt an exitement and hunger for the Word that ,at times, took my breath away. Over time however, the doctrines and teachings of contemprary christianity began to leave me with an emptiness because they just didn’t seem to add up to what I was reading. Unfortunately what they taught was enough to cloud my understanding and prevent me from seeing the truth and my excitement and hunger waned. After being introduced to the hebraic roots movement and learning to understand and see the Torah and writings from an ancient Hebraic point of view (mostly through your teachings), however, that cloud is finally disappearing. The missing pieces are being revealed and fitting together so perfectly it just blows me away. The hunger and excitement have returned, stronger than ever before.
Praise the Father for his love, His mercy, His patience, His perseverence, His Torah, and His Mashiach.