The Mystery of the Red Heifer is the Traditional reading for this Shabbat a Month before Pesach.

Home » The Mystery of the Red Heifer is the Traditional reading for this Shabbat a Month before Pesach.

red_heifer - Version 2

The Red Heifer was Usually killed a month before Pesach to sanctify the temple and the people so I hope that listening to this teaching will help you get a deeper understanding of this particular Sacrifice right before Passover.

King Solomon, a man full of wisdom, could not understand the meaning of the Red Heifer sacrifice. This Biblical ritual about sanctification has been a mystery to even the most prolific sages in the history of Israel. Looking at the Messiah in the Torah, we find the parallels of the sacrifice of the heifer and how Yeshua fulfilled this requirement for our sanctification.

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

18 thoughts on “The Mystery of the Red Heifer is the Traditional reading for this Shabbat a Month before Pesach.”

  1. Zachary Feinberg

    Shalom Brother my only question is the red Heifer is beating and turned into ash but Yahshua was not so does that still make Him the red Heifer?? I wanna say yes but that Question comes to my head. Thanks and may YAH Bless you in every way Shalom Shalom

  2. I have been listening to the teaching several times and everytime something goes open.

    A question;
    If a Red Heifer is born today and the hair stay’s red. Does it mean that it must be sacrificed between 3-4 years from now?

    The only way that a 3rd Temple can be established is with the sacrifice of a red heifer for sanctification. So it means if they found a suitable heifer today with the next 3-4 years there needs to be a sacrifice, indicating the end!

  3. Is there an audio problem with this one? I have tried once with my laptop and twice with my desktop computer today to access the audio teaching, and each time it seems to get stuck on “buffering” and won’t proceed…

  4. Hi, Rico!

    Another great teaching. Thank you as always!

    one thing that occured to me that you didn’t mention that I think is pretty cool & prophetic of the clean priest becoming unclean when he sprinkles the water and blood on the unclean person, is that that typifies the exchange that took place between us & Yeshua.

    When you were talking about how it was a mystery as to how an clean person could become unclean without even touching the unclean person they were purifying, it dawned on me that what they did was make a spiritual exchange. In making the unclean person clean via a clean person, the unclean person exchanged their cleanness for uncleanness, in order that the unclean person could become clean.

    That’s quite a mouthful, but it’s exaclty what Yeshua did, and just a small part of what I understand the red heifer sacrifice was all about.

    I just thought that was pretty cool ‘revelation’ (at least to me, anyway!).


    1. oops, the 3rd sentence in the 3rd paragraph should say “in making the unclean person clean via a clean person, the CLEAN person exchanged their cleanness for uncleanness, in order that the unclean person could become clean.”

      should have proofread 🙂

  5. Good Job Rico thank you very much, let me ask you this, can a Red Heifer be kill out side the Holy Land and with out a standing TEMPLE ? and store up the ashes for a future use, I guess not, just want to know your input, Shalom Chaver !

  6. My God, YHWH ELOHIM, how can I join a local body of believers when that church doesn’t have a clue to these anointed teachings of rabbi Cortes? In preparing for witness to Jews, it is absolutely necessary to know this teaching and the Torah! How can popular pastors say that the Torah has been abolished, and how can so many Christians allow themselves to be deceived? The Ruach HaKodesh in me is grieved by this revelation, yet I rejoice in the knowledge of this teaching. Where is this local body of Malchut HaShamayim that I can belong to? Where must I go to belong to this sheepfold? This is a SOD teaching, whereas, what I am getting in the local church are pshat teachings. I am grateful for this teaching on the red heifer and hunger for this knowledge to prepare for the call on my life as a music evangelist to the Jew first, and then to the Gentiles. Shalom Aleichem! Devora Clark

    1. Wow, do I hear you! We need a local body of believers where I’m at too. I’ve been waiting for the past 3 years to see if one would pop up but so far, no go. I believe that’s my call to literally start walking these teachings into all the local churches in my area and handing them to each and every pastor and priest who will take one to listen to! I think it will only be in this way that the Pastor YHVH has for my area will get his wake up call to start a Hebraic congregation in my own area. Perhaps you could use this idea for your area too! : ) May YHVH Bless you and bring us both local congregations soon! : )

  7. Rico, how can you explain about the red heifer being female and was a burned offering. Yeshua is not female, nor was he burned, so how does that line up with him being the red heifer sacrifice? What am I missing?

    1. No Yeshua is not female but he is taking the sin of Israel which is a type of the bride instead of her. Remember that the red heifer and the ashes then you sprinkled the water with the ashes then the priest would become unclean and the person clean. Yeshua took the defilement of Israel and became unclean with her sin.

  8. The Red heifer born in those years were disqualified because of the whites hairs found but I have just found out that the Temple instituted have announce that they have a Kosher available for the sacrifice. Stay in touch

  9. Rico,
    This is a faboulous teaching. We have truly enjoyed learning but we have a question. Since the red heffers were born in 1997 and 2004 that would make them over the age of 3.5 years old. We don’t know how old this teaching is but are there currently any red heffers that would quality for the sacrificing of the purification of the temple.

    Jerry & Julia

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