The Mystery of the Red Heifer is the Traditional reading for this Shabbat a Month before Pesach.
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The Red Heifer was Usually killed a month before Pesach to sanctify the temple and the people so I hope that listening to this teaching will help you get a deeper understanding of this particular Sacrifice right before Passover.
King Solomon, a man full of wisdom, could not understand the meaning of the Red Heifer sacrifice. This Biblical ritual about sanctification has been a mystery to even the most prolific sages in the history of Israel. Looking at the Messiah in the Torah, we find the parallels of the sacrifice of the heifer and how Yeshua fulfilled this requirement for our sanctification.
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18 thoughts on “The Mystery of the Red Heifer is the Traditional reading for this Shabbat a Month before Pesach.”
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How can I order the teaching (dvd format) for our Friday night bible study / gathering? We are small group of 8 and are currently enjoying the Temple Service 5 part dvd’s.
Very interesting subject, I think that is kind of deep and good at the same time. So the good news is that we’re going on the right direction with it thanks!.