Don't Forget to
The Salt Covenant in the Bible
In the Scriptures YHVH made a covenant of Salt with the son's of Aaron, the sacrifices of the children of Israel and the Davidic Kingdom. Our Creator keeps Covenant and this ancient ritual of middle eastern covenant making will reveal to us how faithful and loyal He is towards us. Replacement theology theory will be stumped once you understand how lasting is the salt covenant.
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17 thoughts on “The Salt Covenant Teaching”
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I am beginning to see the use of the salt covenant. It seems to be in many parts of the feast and Sabbath. Before I did not see this before and now it is becoming clear. Thank-you for your devotion and attention to detail.
I really enjoyed this teaching and would like to review the PDF but I have been unable to find a link that works. Would someone please help.
Thanks again for all your wonderful teachings.
We missed twice, a friend of mine and I, listening, which the three verses werem that are the main verses, which you quoted twice (I think from revelation)
Great teaching!!!
Thank you, Rico! I was very excited to sit down and watch this teaching, and I can tell you my husband and I were both very moved and convicted! Your wisdom and discernment is a blessing to all of us! Thank you, again and Shalom!
Kelly Recchia
Wondering where the PDF on the books covering the covenants. Please direct how to find it. I have enjoyed this blog and teachings are missed food for me and it is shifiting what I knew to be true, but folks around me don’t want to feed on. Thanks for sewing into my lifesytle of believing. It has become more grounded in the truth and his ways.
Shalom in the House
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! what at study and an eye opener. If only everyone could get a hold of this teaching. I will never look at salt the same way ever again. Thank you Rico for all the work you put into your teachings. May Yahweh bless you greatly.
Mike Clayton said to come and learn about the Salt Covenant.
So here we are.
Tom & Brenda
Shalom Rico,
You’re a super teacher. I love how you link the natural with the spiritual-healthwise, in all of your teachings. Lots of teachers are connecting in that way, as they come to realisation that our bodies are the Temple of YHWH.
Folks really are blindfolded that salt is bad for health. I was advised by a true medical practitioner to drink salt water as I do perspire so much naturally in warm weather, to prevent leg cramps. I have used this often to counteract folks who believe salt is bad. Then the salt most folks use would be table salt, and not the pink Himalayan salt, which I highly recommend as well.
All refined products are bad for health, like white sugar, flour as in white bread.
Thank you, Rico!
Rico, I appreciate your depth of teaching. I learn so much and I just want to dig further. I have never been so eager and hungry for the word!! I was wondering if the mention of a seal upon the heart and arm in Song of Songs 8:6 is a sign of covenant, somewhat like the tefillin? Thank you!
Shalom Rico,
Thanks for your email that you sent to everyone. It’s nice that you keep us updated to what you are doing. I feel bad for you that you have to go on that cruise, but I’m sure everyone there will appreciate what you will be teaching :).
I am looking forward to the teachings with your blue/green screen. I do a lot better with pictures – must go back to when I was in kindergarten! Have a safe trip on the cruise!
Shalom, shalom,
Teresa C.
Rico: All of the covenants are eternal in Jesus Christ. He doesn’t break covenant. All covenants pointed to their fulfillment in Jesus. Nothing can become Eternal except in Jesus because He is the only Eternal One to ever come to earth. He is the Seed of God, not Man. He came from God. All other humans are of the earth…shaped and formed out of the dust of the earth mixed with the water of the deep….clay…..even the original Adam.
Nothing, I repeat, nothing can become spiritual and eternal except through the only Eternal One. We become eternal only because we are “in Him.” The Word became “living” in Him. The stones of remembrance in the Older Testament were made by God but they were earthly…they were not living–they were dead. When we accept the Living Rock (Jesus) and the Living Manna (bread) and the Living Water (Holy Spirit/Word), we too become spiritually alive. All things come “alive” (spiritually) through Jesus.
He became all that the Law and the Prophets spoke of. He is all of the covenants of the Older Testament. They are eternal and alive in Him. The Word says, “In Him all things consist.” It is all in Him including all of the covenants of the Older Testament. He is ALL IN ALL.
God didn’t destroy the Older Testament covenants, He made them eternal and alive in Jesus–the Living Word. Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth.” He is the Salt Covenant and we are the salt of the earth “in Him.”
I believe fully in studying the Hebraic Roots of the scripture but it must be done to show people that Jesus is ALL of what is written in the Older Testament as well as the New. Jesus is Grace and Truth–all Truth. All Truth is a picture of Him and His redemptive work. The Law commanded obedience and gave the penalty of death if disobeyed. But in Jesus, we obey out of our love for Him and all that He did for us. He became a living sacrifice to God for us. He wants us to become a living sacrifice for Him and others……….out of love, not ritual and Law. It is a heart thing! The Law nor Israel was replaced, they can only be made spiritually alive by being in Jesus Christ, the ETERNAL ONE. All of the Word of God from beginning to end is eternal in Him. Because all things were created through Him in the beginning as the Word, all things must return to the Father through Him as the Eternal Word. The Word is now back with God in the heavenly sanctuary. We are to draw near to Him through love as He draws near to us through the same means. A love-relationship is a mutual drawing between two people.
The same is true between the Jew and Gentile. We draw together through the blood and the Living Word of Jesus. The Word is a woven work that makes one Truth–Jesus Christ.
Shalom, Sandy
Thanks for your comments
As always, wonderful insight! I love all three teachings on Covenant that you have. The Blood Covenant, The Salt Covenant and The Threshold Covenant! I believe if the congregation understood these three Covenants, it would help bring a major understanding to the body. You are an awesome Rabbi!