Don't Forget to
This is the main Topic that I have being studying and working on for the last 13 Years. I pray that this Teaching is a blessing to you. This is only the introduction for the temple service I will continue to add more and more information about the Tabernacle, Temple and its services. I pray that you enjoy it and be bless learning how to approach our King.
The Temple service is one of the areas that is most neglected in the Hebrew Roots movement. Many people reject Yeshua as their Messiah because of the lack of understanding of the Temple service, the Role of Yeshua as High Priest, and how He is the mediator for us before YHVH in the Heavenly Tabernacle. In searching and studying this subject for the last 12 years, I have come to understand that the Jews will never believe in Yeshua as long as the Church is presenting the gospel in the way they teach it. I pray that this teaching will increase your knowledge of the Temple Service and how the sacrificial service reveals the Mercy and Love of our Creator toward us, His covenant people.
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23 thoughts on “The Temple Service and the Daily Sacrifices”
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There is no video available on this page…has it been removed?
Do you get into the Temple service in the millennium as listed in Ezekiel?
Rico I want to thank you for your dedication to teaching about these things, your love of YHVH truly stands out. I would love to hear you do a parallel study on the priestly service and sacrifices in Leviticus and numbers and the tie in to the millennium kingdom of Yeshua outlined in Ezekiel chapters 40 through 46.I take it that the offering up will serve primarily to remove ceremonial uncleanness and prevent defilement from polluting the temple because at that time we will have the glorious presence of YHVH and Yeshua will once again be dwelling with us and sin will still be around until the end when sin and death is destroyed. We know that there will be both Spiritual glorified beings from the 1st resurrection and flesh people present there, so the purifying of the flesh will still be needed to draw near, or approach our King and God. These offerings will be made of free will and would be a gift we present to show our love of God. It also will be that as YHVH Said and they shall know that I am YHVH , proving that what he said in the beginning was true and he meant what he said from the beginning, proving his word is forever and true. I sure look forward to his kingdom to come and His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!
Have a blessed week and keep up the good teachings. Blake from north Texas.
I am just starting this series and can not figure out how to make the teaching full screen. Am I doing something wrong? It would be much better to view on the full screen mode. Thanks if anyone can let me know how.
Shabbat Shalom! I studie the temple services in 2012 and I would like to go back and study more in depth. I remember that there was a pdf that went with it. I am very visual and it help me to have it on paper.
Where can I find the PDFs?
Thank you and blessings!
Could you tell me where I can see the Hebrew alphabet in cymatics? Also, where did Rico get his beautiful rendition of the Aaronic blessing?
Good information – I thought there might be more to it…
I kept looking up the colors to see if they specifically were mentioned with any other product or source, I couldn’t find any in the English renditions or translations I have access to.
Honestly, I got convicted at the first 2 scriptures I referenced.
It will be interesting to see what The Temple Institute writes back. It may be awhile though cuz they are slooooow at getting back!
Thanks Sarah, shalom.
Okay Theresa C., so I didn’t ever hear back from the Temple Institute. It only took me three years, but I heard from Reuven Prager (in a video lecture) that the wool and linen were woven together to make some of the priestly garments. The wool accepts the dyes best. So the commandment to not make garments of shatnez (wool and linen) is simply to prevent anyone from making the holy garments and thus making them common. Daniel Lancaster also spoke on this in a recent Chanukah message. If you want either of these, I will be happy to send them to you in an email, so as to respect Rico’s space.
Shabbat Shalom,
Hey Theresa,
It is my understanding that the colored threads would have been wool threads. The Temple Institute, for instance has several pages on the priestly garments and they specify the use of wool thread. You can check them out here: http://www.templeinstitute.org/beged/priestly_garments-5.htm
The techelet threads we get for our tzitzit are dyed wool. Their is a distinction made in the verses between the colored threads and the white linen.
You are right the old linen garments would have been used for the wicks not the ones made with wool. That would be stinky! 🙂
I am writing the Temple Institute to see if they can elaborate on this subject. I’ll share when I hear back from them!
Blessings and Shalom,