Don't Forget to
This Torah Portion is one of the most important sections of the book of Moses that we hardly ever really study. The statutes of our Father YHVH and the call to separation (holiness) is so clear in the structure of the chapters we will cover this week. But, the question is How do we humans can attain to the Holiness and perfection of YHVH? He says be Holy for I am Holy, but how can we become Holy like YHVH? I've had that question unanswered for over 25 years since the days I was a kid in the church system. Wow, The proper understanding of what holiness really means in context of the time frame in which the scriptures were written give us a greater perspective of what YHVH was referring to by the expression "BE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY".
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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- More resources coming soon...
30 thoughts on “Torah Portion Acharei Mot – Kedoshim Complete”
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Why is my membership no longer active, I never did anything to cancel it and I have been a member since 2008 or 9?
Carrol Cornish here.
Wow! Learning so much and how you explain the structure of sexual morality laws. No different today the whole has turned it all upside down.
Thank you so much Moreh Rico C. for these temple teaching. everything is cleared.
Rico, when you mentioned how the blood was used for Indexing Only. this reminded me of a marriage between virgins how there is blood connecting or indexing the relationship between them. Hopefully I’m not stretching this Also if I remember correctly priest could only merry virgins.
The breakdown of family is the breakdown of nation. Becomes easy prey for takeover of some other country.
I agree with you regarding using the Passover as an evangelical too. Neither are Christians my brothers and sisters, as those are covenant terms; neither are they enemies. Most of us did not need convincing about the Word of the LORD, we were drawn by spirit. Like Abraham, people come one or two at at time.
There is no point in being redeemed if you don’t continue with being in the commands. Is like being brought out of Eqypt, and remaining in Eqyptian ways, or breaking off from the Israelte group and going to Cyprus. Is like being born dead – still born.
Excellent teaching! Todah Ricco, keep studying and teaching us the truth! Even when I read those books I still don’t understand, need you and Ryan and Joseph and Dinah, and so on to bring it to my understanding! I praise Yah for you all and the time you take to study and teach! You have our full support!
We are trying to fix some of the issues with the download section
This was excellent portion my brother!!!! Thank you.
According to Joe Good and Mishna; iit is true females did not participate in Temple service. The Levites who stood outside on the steps facing the people were males only, same for those playing instruments. Male choirs only. Some Orthodox; you see males only.
In the Court of Women; there were 4 chanbers (rooms) one for makeing break, one for weaving cloth for garments and curutains, and a family made the special incense. There were usually wifes of levites, occasionally some woman of great honor thou not married. Remember Anna the Prophetess.
In the Cjourt of the women in one chanber at Chaunka, the women sang and lit special holiday lantgerns.
This is about HaShem assigning positions, His way, no one was betgter than another; evidence by every Israelite broght the half shekel; all are equal in importance to Abba. Like Ricco said; this order was to distinction from the temple services of the pagan nations.
Today modern Christianity; has “praise and worship leaders” male and female; and modest dress doesn’t sell
records and DVD’s; not to mention flirty and provacative behaviors. A young male Christian looks very close to the King of Rock, swizle hips himself Elvis Preley.
I caution; if you must have public, TV, Video praise and worship; don’t do like pagans do. Stay away from popular modern trends. While I am all for youth being trained and excersing gifts and talens; I am not in favor of them copying current Christian Pop; I am older, wiser it’s vulgar. Looks like same things we did in 60’s Woodstock gatherings with booze and drugs; they even have “light” shows. \
To gain better understanding of what Abba wants from us; study Leviticus; very throughly with someone knowledgeable like Ricco, Joe Good, this is gained not by just reading scriptures; but study the Temple service. He said be Holy as He is Holy; find out what that is; follow the pattern; The modern church is not our pattern – the end.
Wonderful teaching on the Temple Service, especially in Light of being told I am from the tribe of LEVI:)
DeVora Clark