Don't Forget to
This Torah Portion is one of the most important sections of the book of Moses that we hardly ever really study. The statutes of our Father YHVH and the call to separation (holiness) is so clear in the structure of the chapters we will cover this week. But, the question is How do we humans can attain to the Holiness and perfection of YHVH? He says be Holy for I am Holy, but how can we become Holy like YHVH? I've had that question unanswered for over 25 years since the days I was a kid in the church system. Wow, The proper understanding of what holiness really means in context of the time frame in which the scriptures were written give us a greater perspective of what YHVH was referring to by the expression "BE HOLY FOR I AM HOLY".
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- More resources coming soon...
30 thoughts on “Torah Portion Acharei Mot – Kedoshim Complete”
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If we can no longer in Eqypt, slay the lamb and put the blood on our doorpost (threshold covenant); because Abba said “must bring offerings to the place He chooses” then we can no longer demand tithes and offerings for the same reason. No Temple, officiating priesthood, no cleansed altar. People can ask for donations of support; is that correct? Because we are to emulate Abba, we are to be generous, and give support to the minitry? Right?
Shalom, sister, i agree, yes, the lack of a Temple makes some things impossible now. But the tithes were to go go the support of the priests znd lrvites. We can still give to those now, those who teach us & pray for us . So yes it is appropriate to donate. In my opinion we put priority on those whom Abbs ssys to: the poor, strsngers, widows, orphans. My opinion.
Hi Rico, it was great to see you and meet you at Riverside in Durban. I really am pleased that I am able to make use of your website and read all the interesting teachings etc .. I am new in the Hebrew Roots Teachings and movement and do not understand everything yet. Bless you for your faithfullness and the effort you put in for us to learn the Torah .. Shalom! Ria
Hello! I have a question: cuando usted habla de que ya no hay templo, se me viene a la mente lo de que nosotros somos el templo, ¿Como se aplica esto a las enseñanzas? soy nueva escuchando sus enseñanzas, y me cuesta un poco entender todo tan rápido…..Gracias por dedicar su tiempo a aprender para enseñarnos, Dios lo bendiga.
I really love the way His word is so like a weave of fabric. The previous portions so connect with this one. And did not Aaron’s sons present a counterfeit in every way that caused them to perish??? Not just in conduct but maybe their hearts also, wanting to present a man made version of sacrifice, so where were their hearts alone in that matter. 2 goats also and from my understanding needed to be identical. So what can appear, right and just is just that an appearance and Abba wants purity and authentic worship. In spirit and in truth. So like the previous readings the impure had to be put out of the Temple, which is like the core area of His heart. So we clean out our impurities and heart perceptions to align in oneness with His heart.
Shalom Rico
We are living in South Africa and would love to attend your meetings. Not sure what you are coming for but please let us know where we could get more information so we can attend.
Thanks so much for your blog, we have been members for the last year and it became our new “church”.
Blessing in Yeshua.
I am so happy that you are on the blog and that the teachings are a blessing to you, That is my true desire for the people to have a place where they can learn about our father in the heavens and also about our faithful Messiah Yeshua. I will announce on the blog when I am going to south Africa again.
Brother rico I thank Yahweh for letting yourself be used by him. I learn alot and I know that other brothers do too. Que el poderoso de Israel te Bendiga y este contigo en tu Camino. Abba Yahweh dijo no te dejare ni te desampare. With with you my brother Shalom HalelluYAH
Me alegro que este lugar es de bendicion para usted. Que YHVH les siga dando bendiciones.
“But what can Torah teach me?”
A lot!!! Rico, your teachings have more meat than a side of beef!!
Shalom brother,
Mike Rapp
I thoroughly enjoyed this weeks teachings as usual I am so Thankful to YHWH for this special gift of you and the teachings. Thank You and Bless you with lot’s of prayers.
Safe Travels Rico!!! Thanks for all the great teachings. Lin
Hi Rico,
I really enjoy the teachings. I just signed up Friday afternoon.
Well done, faithful servant of YHWH!
Do you have any suggestions on how to support Israel – it is on my heart, yet I have seen many duped by now supporting true Israel. Any advice would be appreciated.
I do help a family in Israel that have a needs and if you want send me an email and I can put you in touch with the person.