Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the penalty of challenging the authority of the YHVH'S appointed leaders.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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58 thoughts on “Torah Portion Korach Complete”
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Rico this was just outstanding this Shabbot Thank You and Bless you!! Looking into a seduer (sp?) for blessings any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I’ve found alot of help from my Tzit tzits since having them, lot’s of times they have reminded me to make the correct choice. Thanks for sharing your heart for the Father and His Word.
The whole salt covenant is a new concept to me…I knew salt was important, but had no idea how. This is important information. I have found some good information written by Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky…a good read. Thank you Rico for the Torah portions!!!
Just finished part 1 and I really enjoyed it. I do understand now about how we may disgree with a leader but that we are not supposed to divide but pray to Yahweh to get that leader back on track.
This isn’t mj, but the covenant of salt they had back then is pictured by the covenant of TRUTH we have while the temple isn’t standing, (we still do the picture of the salt covenant when we dip bread in salt on the SABBATH). Just like salt can’t be corrupted and lose its saltiness, TRUTH can’t be corrupted and lose it’s truthiness. Keep preaching the TRUTH and may your feet never leave the PATH. G-D BLESS. jj
So enjoyed your insights on the Torah portion this week. Thankyou for sharing your heart and be true to teach the word with uprightness and integrity. The rebellion of Korah is VERY IMPORTANT to pay attention to. I honor you as one of my Torah teachers….and cover you in my prayers. Keep going forward, my brother! You are RIGHT ON TARGET! It is so wise to let YAH defend us when we come under attack. Our flesh wants to defend itself, but when we have died to our flesh then it is easier to step aside and let YAH defend us….
Rico I just found out I am a Levite..On Ancestory.com my aunt spent 8yrs of research and says my blood line is sepharic jew and super royal…Like William the conquer and etc..And when it got into royal bloodline it was easy to track all the way to Joseph of Arimethia he is my grandfather and he is Mirayam’s uncle. For curiosity after this portion I was wondering if he was a levite ,I always thought he was from judah, and what do you know their is alot of websites saying joseph sat on the council and was a levite…This is exciting!! We are brothers!! Right? You are the only one I know that says the are a levite and I want to know if you have any advice for someone NEW(1yr in Y’shua)that knows they are a levite? Does it change anything Im already doing?
Hi Rico,
I have dealt with many people that have the attitude like that on youtube and it has really made me sad that they don’t see there error. I have learned many things from you and other teachers including balance in my walk. I am always encouraged by this Torah portion as it really illustrates the people that rebel against Moses.
Blessings in Y’shua and Shabbat Shalom!
Thank you, Rico for your weekly Torah portions. I really learn a lot from the way you explain the scriptures. It takes time to research and study YHVH’s word and it is apparent that you understand the value of bringing truth to YHVH’s people. I look forward each Sabbath to hear what our Father has revealed concerning His abundant love for the people of Israel.
Thankyou so much for being faithfull to your calling. Your ministry of teaching Torah has blessed us immensly. Your heart is full of love for YHVH and we thank you for not holding back the passion and love that He has placed in your heart. May the blessings of YHVH continue to embrace you and your family. Shalom Alechim
I am not a blogger but I just want to say Hi! And that we watch you most of the Shabbat’s. We watch other teachers as well, but your a staple of our Sabbath’s. Your love for our creator is obvious & the Aaronic blessing at the end is a blessing. Perhaps when you open each teaching with a Hebraic prayer, you could speak them just a tad slower? I know you know them by memory but it just sounds a little rushed.
May YAH bless you and your family.
Shalom and Blessings from Modesto! Thank you for your integrity and Humbleness. We need you and the work you are doing for the Kingdom. I am thank full Our Father sent you for such a time as this! Be strong and of good courage! Be strengthened!
Shalom brother Rico…
Michael Zlab
Rico, around minute 50 you told of a man, in Switzerland, that was speaking against Torah. I am familiar with the “righteous indignation” you described. May I suggest, pausing the seminar, asking the person if you and/or the congregation can pray for them, and hopefully intercede on their behalf, as Moshe and Aaron did?
may YHVH bless you and keep on revealing His Word to you so that you can bring it to us. We learn such a lot from each Torah portion and are every week looking forward to learning something new.