Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the destruction of the world in the deluge and the restoration of the world following that event. Finding the legal fictions of the Ancient Near east in the story of the Flood. So, many types and shadows about messiah, covenant and covenant lawsuit that we are trying to understand in this story of Noach. Yah, establishes His Suzerainty on the Earth by making covenant with Noach and the earth. Our mandate is to become the faithful servants of the great king. We will investigate some additional Ancient Near Eastern Context to the literary structure of the Book of Genesis and why we see the 10 different sets of genealogies through out the book and the rest of Scripture.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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- More resources coming soon...
71 thoughts on “Torah Portion Noach Complete”
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Yahweh has used you to connect so many dots for me with this teaching. I can not wait to watch it again this evening when I can take better notes.
Your teaching are always a wealth of life giving learning. I appreciate you and Yolanda; such a blessing to my familia!
Thanks Rico for pointing out about the cursing of Canaan. Yeshua came from lineage of Judah from Canaan. It hit me like a tone of bricks. Yeshua had to become a curse to redeem us from the curse! It makes perfect sense. Also, will you not play the music of the shofar at the beginning any more? Just wondering because I have heard shofar blowing many times but for some reason, this is the one that really, really reaches down on the inside of me and brings in His Mighty Presence! I understand if you wish to utilize time but are we able to order this blowing of the shofar? It really blesses me greatly, beyond words! Blessings Rico and again, thank you!
I am thankful for all the Holy Spirit has taught me through the Wisdom In Torah team. This year as I read this passage I was struck by the righteousness of Abraham when I realized that Lot was fatherless and even after Terah was no more, Abraham took care of the fatherless Lot. I would have never pricked up on that before.
Rico, I was watching you on H.R.N. this morning on NOAH, i would like to give you something to think about the Dates in chapters 7 & 8. One Sabbath I was watching Denis Ortero teaching Matthew 24 and about ( IN THE DAYS OF NOAH) And it made me think about the dates and was wondering about them so I did a little research to see if they could be about the FIRST & SECOND COMMING of MESSIAH!!! I believed what I was told about YAHSHUA being born on the 15th of the 7 th. month; but He couldn’t have, because the 15th. is a HIGH HOLY DAY, and He would break HIS commandment on that day.
The ladder, the gate, the oil.. Thanks for putting that and more together. I pray your eye surgery is most successful! 10-2015
10-30-15, Ricco very Nice Noah. thanks
Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Rico and all WIT staff :O)
I am having technical trouble with the •The 2013-2014 Torah Nugget audio. When I click on the start symbol nothing happens. When I go to the download and click on •The 2013-2014 Torah Nugget to download it I am moved to a message that says the link is broken. How can I get •The 2013-2014 Torah Nugget?
Baruch HaShem
Jackie & Mom Marinoff
I’m really sorry for the trouble you’ve been having with the download. The problem was that the file was not on the server, it kept failing to upload on my end. It should be uploaded and working now though.
Shabbat Shalom Ryan,
Thanks so much for helping me through this issue. Please know that my Mom and I really appreciate all the wisdom that you take the time to impart into us. We appreciate you and we thank Adonai for giving you the call that you so humbley answer to.
Baruch HaShem
Jackie & Mom Marinoff
My Dear Brother Rico, you are a tremendous blessing to the family of Yahweh!!!! Your teachings are of great scholarly composition and demand that the viewer attends to every word spoken in order to “hear” what the Spirit is saying to the congregation. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the hard work and diligent research you are doing to bring to us the best of the Torah!. It is my constant prayer that Yahweh continues to pour out of His Spirit into you and to grant you more and more wisdom in the scriptures. I get excited when you teach because it takes my spirit to another level in Him, and provides me with boldness when the opportunity arises to spread the good news about our soon coming King and Messiah, Yahshua. Thank you again.
Great new video this year on Noach bro!
would appreciate clarification on ”the7 laws given to NOAH”.i
see 2 .one concerning murder and one concerning eating the meat with blood in it.
I do not find the other 5 in the BIBLE.Please clarify.THANKYOU.I love your teachings
but I am troubled when something is not in the scriptures.
Shalom Great Parasha! I loved !!!! Thanks Bro.!!!!
Love you!