Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience, not worshiping YHVH the way the nations worship their gods, updated instruction for slaughter of altar animals, warning not to allow anybody to lead you into the worship of other gods, laws concerning kashrut, laws concerning the sh'mita year, and updated instructions for the Passover.
Treason in the kingdom is something that we as the kingdom of YHVH must address from it's legal context. The Book of Deuteronomy is known by scholars to be written in the formula of an Ancient Treaty Format. Chapter 13 is an important chapter in reference to the penalty of treason and it's penalty.what are the consequences of in Israel? How do these laws apply to us now? What are the legal penalties of someone who tells us to keep the observance of Easter, Christmas and Sunday as holy days? What about all those teachers that tell us the Torah is done away with? Is that Treason? We are to stand up for the honor of the King and his commandments with complete loyalty (LOVE) and not allow anyone anymore to profane the integrity of our heavenly father and of His son Yeshua our Messiah and Master.
Lastly, we will also focus on the Temple aspect of this Torah Portion and connect the importance of separating the concept of Temple purity from the regular dinner table.
This posting includes multiple years of Torah portions done by Wisdom in Torah. This includes:
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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The following is a list of recommended resources for this teaching:
- The Purity Texts by Hannah Harrington
62 thoughts on “Torah Portion Reeh Complete”
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New Covenant = Renwed Covenant or fall back to Ricco’s teacher of a “covenant renewal”
When Adom was created, he was to have dominion or reign of the earth. To name something is to give it essensce or character. I think if he were to have named his terriroty he would nave named it Shabbat (7th day, complete time/eternity) Then he was to name the animals – or give what was outside of him and Shabbat, essense
look in prophets and the natins are referred to as animals, leopard nation, goat namtion,
Clean and unclean are basic to what is food or what you can eat the unclean was never considere food it was that which cleaned up death (vulture, bottom feeder fish) life is in the blood – so don’t eat tigers as we do not want an agreesive nature which tears or rips to shread.
Health? You are what you eat either that which is kosher (fit and prepared for life) or that which is not.
Humankind does snot live by bread (food) alone but on every word (command, decree, statute, ordainace) of the Great King. The health is in following Kings instruction; whether your understand or your don’t.
If we are in war and commander states do not eat yellow flowers; well it’s war not time for discussion; just do it.
We try tooooo hard to sell (kashrut) to christians.
I am not sure why Messianics to Christians always focus on pig, pork; I suppose it’s because if anyone is eating unclean is it usually port.
Learning how to distinguish clean or unclean helps us practice learning to make distinctions; not everything goes in our mouth. Also helps discern the nature of people we don’t know well.
The very practice of making distinctions in things; helps create discernment. A child’s toy is nesting cups, is blocks with differnt shaped hole in it and have to put the right shape in the holes. Creates discernment; awarenss. They learn differnt names for colors and shapes. Through trial and error they learn; this is right this is wrong, this works this does not. This does not work dysfuncitonal, not prepared for purpose. Which is what korsher means “fit for purpose”.There is much to learn from “kosher” but to get the best gain of wisdom and understanding you must simply “follow the instructions”.
When Yeshua heals a man; he always gave an instruction; it was not obey wan kenobi majic that healed; it was they followed His instruction; like pick up the mat and walk. NOtice the man did not ask, why should I follow the instruction, how will that help? He simply did what he was told.
A mentor is someone who went to the school of hard knocks to succeed. So in order to make a path to success easier quicker for someone else; he develope a well define plan of action (without thepitfalls). Just follow the menors instructions and you’ll get the same good results he had withou the pain.
Yeshua said, I have overcome the world.” So we think he meant, died and rose again from the dead. Well maybe? What if he meant overcome the failure of the many world systems? That’s why he said follow me. To follow in the footsteops of your Rabbi was a mentoring process. He cuts a straight path for you.
This Torah portion list many reasons why Jews, would not want the Christian Jesus. Think of all the goofy stuff christians have dreamed, have prophesied, and it was the pagan nations who’s Ceasars and many other leaders proclaimed they as men were god. Christians procliam Jesus a man was god.
How many times has the “world supposed to have ended”? “how many times was the rapture going to happen”
I mean folks common; if you still sit under christian teaching; Well, I feel bad for you. What i’d do in your case is take a big break from christianity; just live a good healthy, loving, joyful life with no religious stuff for a while, turn off TV, radio, internet, christian music – and let your mind going on a “fast” for a while. Get unhooked long enough to hear something that makes whole lot of sense. Like this man Ricco teaches. Bring your brain back to life, L’Chaim.
If a man leases land to another for 5 years, and are there not lease payments duing a year which he’s to pay? What if ye was behind in the first 3 years, does he stay on the land to the end of the 7th year? and have his debts released? He was not paying his regular payments to begin with.
Where is the techer or preacher who teaches we must tithe on the smittah year??? Who have you heaard declare, ah thi sis mittah, no plowing, planting, no harvesting so no tithing??? Who has said this?
Why have I chosen to enter inn to Yeshua’s Covenant? Actually He choose me; and offered to deliver me into HIs Covenant Kingdom; which is bi lateral; we both have obligations and benefits. I did not enter in to help coveert Jews; I enteri in to be closeer to the image of G=d; to wal in His ways, to be pleasing to my King.
I pray for the revelation to come to the HOuse of Judah, is not for me to Convert; which is religious term If a Jewish person were to ask me about Yeshua; I would ask them if we could study together, and show them what was shown to me. I would want that to be a two way street, where I ‘d be open to learn from them as well.
When I was young I put away old ways (aggressive christian evangelism); now that I’ve become wiser; I am open to Abba sending me people who are open to sharing toegher. Come let us reason together, said YHVH.
Tatoos, are an unauthorized temple decoration; is not for us. The mosque on the Temple Mount is full of tatoes;, has pagan god symbols all over it.
Most of us have not experience a King, Kingdom. There is lots of protocal. Something that is helpful; it is not necessarily “perfect” but there is a film you can get library. This film was one year with Queen Elizabeth II.
Remember there is public life and private life; and what a son or daughter of a Queen, calls their mother depends on public life and their are also divisions of public life and their are divison os what is private and not. How one behaves or addresses Roylal parents, depends where and under what contidions. They are royal family; they are also citizens. Their knee bows to the Queen, just like anyone else.
In the public we extol honor, glory and dominion, we speak of Great King and HIs Kingdom. In private in moments of sadness, disapri; is when we speak as daddy, hold me.
As a nation of Isrrael, a royal family; in public Our Father Our King. Well you say, I recite the Amidah in private ok, that’s fine, there is a place in the Amedah for “pravate prayer” this is daddy, I need you, is not corporate, though you are in a public gathering; is private.
Love the hat!
Love to hear your teachings i learn so much. do you have or do any teachings in spanish?…(for my mother). Just out of curiosity….is your wedding band in the hebrew letters (the story of Ruth)?
I like the hat… you are right you left no room for doubt. Thank-you for all of your hard work and I only hope I can study the way you do. I have many people asking me what do we believe and it is an educational and spiritual process that until they are ready they will not understand what YAHWEH has commanded us to do and how He wants us to worship Him.
This is an interesting parsha – Moshe is telling us the how and why and when to ‘worship’ our King/Bridegroom…notice Moshe nowhere suggests that we delgate our religious education to paid clergymen or religious organizations – he clearly says that the Torah model is that WE are to teach our own children the mitzvot (instructions) of Torah! Deuteronomy 4:9-10; Deuteronomy 6:7 (a); Deuteronomy 6:20-25; Deuteronomy 11:19(a).
And another thing .. and this will set off a firestorm I’m sure – nowhere does Moshe tell us to gather together in public meetings in the towns and villages we build are to pray, to study, or to worship! NO he clearly says that we are to gather to worship the Holy One, pray, and study His Torah as in our OWN homes. Deuteronomy 6:7(b); Deuteronomy 11:19(b)-21.
And then..oh my – more fuel for the bonfire – the few times Torah calls for corporate worship….where and when does he tell us what the requirements are? (It’s in detail in Lev 23 or Num 29) 29)], Torah shows us that it is at set times and on pre-established redemptive themes, AND it’s at one and only one central location.
Remember what he said … ‘the place where I choose to place the Name’. WOW
Maybe this is a parsha where we need to re-evaluate what we are doing in this ‘Hebrew Roots Movement’ movement… have we simply adopted the Babylonian structure of ‘church’ – Jews and Christians and Islam – all the major religions simply always do 3 things: 1) build an alter/alters in their community; 2) elevate those within that structure to paid clergy/rabbi’s over the people; 3) a bldg decorated with their religious decorations.
Mmmmmm are we ready to ‘Re’eh’ what Torah tells us to do .. are we simply too attached to our ‘traditions’…. is this the generation that will ‘come out of her’ ?
Amen! I hope that more people understand that in fact we are not to leave the education of our children to the state rather we are charged with this responsibility to bring them up in what Yahweh has commanded us to teach them.
Love the hat!!! 🙂
In regards to the divisions and bickering you comment on in part one. You said we should be tolerant with each other while not compromising Torah and still be able to fellowship together.
How would this work if the fellowship one attends has graven images all over the place including two lions outside the door? How am I to not compromise and still attend there? The effects of these graven images are in plain sight of those who understand such things.
Or how about if the leadership still keeps christmas even though they call it hanaukkah? Or the pastors wife who controls her husband and works on Sabbath?
These things my husband brought to the attention of the leadership in love. We were asked to leave and fellowship somewhere else.
Yet the question remains…if we hadn’t been asked to leave, should we have still attended there even though the leadership was in rebellion and sin?