Righteousness and Justice, The Kingly Requirement


Don't Forget to

Shalom L'Kulam

This teaching was recorded at Kol HaMashiach Messianic
Congregation in Lake City 12/21/13.

I connected the Torah Portion Shemot and the Enthronement of the King of Egypt with the Ancient Near Eastern culture and the Righteousness and Justice of the Great Kings. We will learn about the ANET customs and how the ancient world would consider a King Righteous and Just.

We will also Connect Yeshua as that Royal figure from the Great King to bring the message of the true righteousness that comes from our Heavenly Father and King. We will also learn the ancient method of declaring permanent freedom and how that is connected to the Yeshua on the cross. I pray this teaching will bless you as much is bless my life. 


Part 1
Part 2



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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

5 thoughts on “Righteousness and Justice, The Kingly Requirement”

  1. I began in 2009, as a dim-lit, Gentile, inheritor of maddening disappointment and-some, reading the bible while comparing ancient records. Barukh HaShem for this beautiful opportunity to study with His body a topic which for me, in the recent past had no frame until this year. Look at how awesome, indeed, His power is. Give thanks! Most High… I love You.

    Peace Family

  2. Thank you Rico and family for your work, as usual, rich depth, abundant blessings and particularly ‘this time’ a very timely visit from Yah to encourage and remind ALL who’s world this is!
    Blessed be Yahweh for all He is and what we are in Him.
    Shalom, shalom.

  3. Danny & Anina Stokes


    Could you please make this video available to be downloadable? Ruagh definitely spoke with us and I repent also for self righteouseness.


  4. Equality=equal under law; not equal in wealth; nor created equal, if created equal like what/ some are blind, some missing limbs, some born deaf

    That’s why House of Judah sold into slavery in Babylon for 7×70 years; failed to keep smittah; but what are the results, people languish in jail, debts not set free, property not restored; the kingdom strength all falls apart.

    Strength of government and care of people highly depend on quality of character as Torah describes of all it’s judges. Individuals are also required to be of this character; as though they could be judges or kings; that’s what Moses said “I wish you were all prophets; there was not room for all israel to fill those positions; but all Israel should be of good character as though they were judges/kings.

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