Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers Mosheh's viewing the land, Mosheh's demand for obedience, the cities of refuge, the Ten Words/Commandments, the "greatest" commandment, and Israel's status as a chosen people
In this week's Torah Portion we will continue our focus on the legality of the Book of Devarim structured as a Suzerain-Vassal Treaty by digging deeper into some prevalent concepts that are found in these chapters. I pray that once we investigate these legal-covenantal concepts in their Ancient Near Eastern context, that we will gain a clearer understanding on how to "love" or be "loyal" to our King and also see how significant the Shema, the Oath is that we speak refers directly to the faithfulness and the "Divine Integrity" of Our KING YHWH.
We will also focus on the other verses of the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:5-6 and expound more into the mindset of the ancient near east and the topic of the heart. It is all about returning to the proper order,function and will of YHWH at the beginning of Creation. This will help us to bring more clarity to the topics of circumcision of the heart, the covenant written on our hearts in Jeremiah 31 , the Parable of the Sower and many other verses dealing with the heart through out Scripture.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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52 thoughts on “Torah Portion Va’Etchanan Complete”
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It is my understanding that a “witness” is to cast the first stone. Heaven and earth are called as witnesses and stones/hail is cast down from these witnesses in final judgment.
Excellent teaching giving new light for me to understand the Torah. I wonder if this teaching is in DVD form to give to others? I’ve been studying since Shabbat making notes (6 days of study) for review thus DVD might be good for others as well? Thank you also that the next Torah portion if available to be ready for this coming Shabbat so as to share with our small, but mighty in the Lord, flock, praise His name forever!
Thank you for all you do, lift you and your family up each morning in prayer.
Thank you so much Ryan for the Hebrew Exegetical paper, greatly appreciated!
Sorry Daiel that did’t answer the question. It seems the human is a highly integrated systems, that you cannot separate; Greeks separate and the EQyptians separated literally looking for the life forece. We have a brain, a mind (emotions, deceisiions) frontal lobe where we place the box with the Torah inside, we bind our body, arm to do your will. Can you give more help?
The Torah justice is the best, is restorative in nature. For instance the one who goes into debt, become indentured to someone to work for until his debt is paid or until the 7th year, where he choose to stay or takes his leave. While other systems are punitive, always a punishment, steal cut off a hand. Want to keep families and thereby the nation whole. Yeshovah is restorative; not punitive.
Also, HOly seems to also be a legal term, it is only defined by Yehovah, and sstudying the Temple, it seems as though there are levels of holiness, only certian priest perform certain practices with certain meals, if you take the silver shovel with coals into the Holy area to put in the incense altar, is encroachem, or a violation of security; just like only certain people an go into certain areas of the White House depeniing on their secruty clearance. That’s why today when it said, the Temple Mount is Holy to Christian, Jews and Muslims; that’s not correct, what is deemed Holy, is Holy to HaShem. Set apart from the regular, for a specific purpose deemed by eshovah, not mankind.
LOVE in Covenant Legal terms is faithful loyal, devoted; there’s no “emotional” context, as in military you don’t have to love your drill sarget, you are to respect and obey. In a Kingdom, the expectation is the same to have honor, respect and obediance to the King, along the way as the relationship grows; you may have feelings of affection for your king.
In Jesus name, can be in the Merit o Yeshua.
I just watched Rico’s 2010 videos on the portion. I find it interesting and amazing how timely this was for me in 2016 just as it was for Rico in 2010! Our Father truly knows what we need when we need it! Rico, thank you for the encouragement through the Words of Elohim!
you are welcome and I am always learning and growing every year.
Shabbat Shalom Rico. Thank you for your teaching today and sharing what Yahweh is doing in your life. Repentance and unity among the brethren is so import. This is not to elevate us but to let you know the we as a small congregation have had victories as we really work hard at these 2 things, not letting defensiveness and offenses steal us away from each other allowing the evil one have a foothold. These are such expectant times with these feast days of awe ahead of us. So be encouraged as Yahweh will keep His promise of Joh 10:16B……..and all the flocks will become one. And there will be One Shepherd….. as we keep the Torah and the Testimony, Isa 8:20.
All things are in His hands. HaleuYah \o/
Matt 25:23 well done good and faithful servant
2 Tim 4:7 keep running the good race till the end.
Rev 22:14 Blessed are the ones doing His commandments, that their authority will be over the Tree of Life, and that they may enter by the gates into the city.
Una pregunta al respecto sobre el estudio del 2010 donde Rico dice que en Galatas 3 Pablo usaba un metodo llamado Midrashim como es usado por rabinos para explicar mas el texto. Mi pregunta , puede considerarse lo mismo lo que Hava hizo cuando la serpierte le pregunta acerca del arbol del conocimiento del bien y el mal?
So in the diaspora, which is too far to take your offering, we could have a lamb slaughter and the blood is poured out on the ground? could we make a cup in the doorway to pour blood into as a threshold covenant?
I mean to address this question to Ryan White?