Torah Portion Vayishlach Complete

Home » Torah Portion Vayishlach Complete

Genesis 32:3 - 36:43

Obadiah 1:1-21

Vayishlaj 5785 wt

This Parashah covers Jacob's return to the land. This week's Torah portion is very prophetic for us in this last days, it connects the move of Islam with the life of Esau. The parallels with what is going on around us in amazing and you know that what happened to our fathers will happen to us. This torah portion is about understanding the life of Jacob so that we can recognize the end time prophecies.

Have you ever wondered "why" the story of Jacob wrestling with the Messenger is placed here in the text of Chapter 32 immediately after Jacob sends the tribute to Esau? We will cover these areas and continue to elaborate on the importance of legality found within Scripture.

Have you realized that current events involving the Land of Israel are linked to this Torah Portion

This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

  • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
  • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
  • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
  • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
  • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

52 thoughts on “Torah Portion Vayishlach Complete”

  1. p.s, sorry for all the spelling mistakes – always in such a rush – even rush through checking the spelling and grammar………think of it as deciphering test messages.

  2. Shalom and goodmorning Teresa.C
    I do not know Hebrew. Like many of us, we have charts of the Hebrew Aleph Beit, showing us what the letters mean and the values; we have books like Jeff Benner’s and a few others, a wonderful teacher like Ben Ehrhardt who taught us through his weekly Parshah teachings how to look deeper into the words and separate them into letters and their hebrew meanings, and then put them all back together again as a fuller meaning. I ‘eat’ and ‘drink’ from ‘time to time’ and pray for the day I can understand fully.

    It is a little like Yechezk’El 4:13, Adonai said, “This is how the people of Yisra’el will eat their BREAD (Torah) – unclean – in the nations where I am driving them.” We are told that for 390 days Yechezk’El was to bear the guilt of the “House of Yisra’el”; that he was to take the ingredients and make bread, that that bread had to be WEIGHED OUT, and that he was allowed to EAT IT FROM TIME TO TIME, during EACH DAY.

    He was told also to TAKE WATER(Jer 2:13 For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.), MEASURE IT OUT, and also FROM TIME TO TIME during each day CONSUME IT.

    this is how I see we as backsliden Ephrayim (or backsliden Yahudah – who became gentiles just like us backsliden Ephrayimites) obtain anything at present; whether it is Torah learning or understanding the Hebrew language – WEIGHED OUT – EATING AND DRINKING FROM TIME TO TIME DURING OUR DAY.

    Teresa, think of it another way. Ya’acob did not ‘bow down to Esaw’ he ‘bowed down to YHWH’, for we know that Ya’acob ‘only WORSHIPED YHWH’.“Isa 42:8I am יהוה: that is my name: and my Kavod (Esteem) will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.

    Binyamin (son of my right hand) was there. he was in Rachel’s womb, YHWH had already assigned his life from the beginning of time and also we as believers, recognise a ‘being’, is a being from the time of its conception; for that being in the womb, as soon as it is conceived has ITS OWN D.N.A; the world sees that ‘that embryo’ is NOT ALIVE.
    And as we read in psalms 119:13-18
    For you fashioned my inmost being, you knit me together IN MY MOTHER’S WOMB.
    I thank yu because I am awesomely made, wonderfully: your works are wonders –
    I know this very will.
    My bones WERE NOT HIDDEN FROM YOU when I was being mae in secret, intricately woven in the depthes of the earth. Your eyes could see me as an embryo, but in your book allmy days were already written; my days had been shaped before any of them existed. YHWH, how I prizw your thoughts! How many of them there are!
    If I count them, there are more than GRAINS OF SAND; if I finish the count, I am still with you.

  3. Shalom Lockness,

    You have really beautiful information, thank you so much for sharing. I am more motivated to study Hebrew, how did you learn it?!

    PS. Ya’acob only crossed with 11 tribes, Benjamin did not, in person, bow down to Esaw….

  4. Just a little note on seven
    Gen 33:3And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.
    שבע H7651 sheba`
    From the root word H7650 שבע shaba` –

    H7650 שבע shaba {shaw-bah’} a primitive root; TWOT – 2318; v AV – sware 167, charge 8, oath 7, adjure 3, straitly 2; 187 1) to swear, adjure 1a) (Qal) sworn (participle) 1b) (Niphal) 1b1) to swear, take an oath 1b2) to swear (of Jehovah by Himself) 1b3) to curse 1c) (Hiphil) 1c1) to cause to take an oath 1c2) to adjure

    Shin (300) Sharp, Press, Eat, Two
    Beit (2) Family, House, In
    Ayin (70) Watch, Know, Shade, Experience

    ‘and he crossed over to their face and bent himself down unto eretz ‘sheba’ (THAT THE TWO HOUSES MIGHT BE KNOWN/WATCHED/SHADED BY YHWH) until drawing near him, until his brother.’

    You could almost say
    “and he crossed over before the 12 tribes (as the head)
    and bent himself down unto Eretz (before YHWH and His land)
    sheba (7 times or making an oath),
    Or: (that the two houses might be watched until Ya’acob (12 tribes) came near (or returned as the two sticks) each to his brother.”

  5. Shalom Rico, thank you for that amazingly intense teaching on the parshah Vayishlach, we really do appreciate the time you take to look into details from all your resources. Many of us have limited resources and truly it is a blessing that YHWH has enabled us to understand intricate details through you and your family’s sacrifice, may YHWH give you your heart’s desires as you continue in the work He has set before you.

    I wanted to know why Ya’acob bent down seven times, I knew it was significant to us to know this, as in all the teachings lately, YHWH through His Ruach has graciously led you into good learning and discernment concerning the Word, and we have seen amazingly how the Parashot are very much a shadow of the things that were to come; so I knew there had to be a solid reason why. So this is what I think YHWH has shown me a little of, and yet, there may be something still missing or, what I think I have been shown is not YHWH showing me, but just my thoughts; but I truly believe that my Father does give me insight – simple as it may be.

    In Jeff Benner’s translation ‘A mechanical translation of the Book of Genesis’, 33:3 we read: ‘and he crossed over to their face and bent himself down unto the land seven times until drawing near him, until his brother,’

    Just to digress here a little on looking up the word ‘bent’ or ‘bowed’ and its numerical value and other words that have the same value as 313, just one for instance I see is so relating to Ya’acob returning bringing the bride back (the 12 tribes of Yisra’el)
    אשיב H7725 shuwb / return B’resheet 24:5-6. When I read this Parshah last time, I saw another way of looking at this from the usual servant as being the Ruach. The son (servant) came first to the betrothed, and then gave the gifts to the betrothed (the gifts being Ruach) as we see the Ruach was later given, after the servant had found the bride.
    WHEN THE SERVANT ( Shamash/Yahushua)
    SAID TO AVRAHAM (YHWH, his Father),
    “SUPPOSE THE WOMAN (the bride, Yisra’el)
    IS NOT WILLING TO FOLLOW ME (Yahushua is the servant and the shepherd of [Yirmeyahu 23:33]and the bridegroom, he went as a servant to find the bride, the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’el from all the nations where they had been scattered or native born in their galut, he rose as the bridegroom)
    TO THIS LAND, MUST I BRING YOUR SON (now we are interchanging & talking about Yisra’el, YHWH’s son)
    BACK TO THE LAND FROM WHICH YOU CAME?” (back to Charan, the world, dispersion)
    AVRAHAM (our Heavenly Father)
    SAID TO HIM, “SEE TO IT THAT YOU DO NOT “BRING” (said to the servant Yahushua [bring] return)
    MY SON (Yisra’el, my bethrothed)
    (Just another way of looking at it)

    Why did Ya’acob bow ‘seven’ times?
    We know that in B’resheeth YHWH told Avram to leave his home and relatives and ‘go to a place that I shall show you’. We read how YHWH made a covenant with Avram and there He told him what land He was giving Avram and his descendants after him.

    We also read that this is reiterated to Ya’acob in the beginnings of his travels and also as he sets his house to return. B’resheeth 32:10-13 Ya’acob states: the powers of my father Avraham, the powers of my father Yitz’hhaq, YHWH is the one saying to me, turn back to your land to your kindred and I will make it do well with you, I am small from all the kindnesses and from all the truth which you did to your servant given that with my rod I crossed over this Yarden and now I exist as two campsites, please deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esaw given that I am fearing him otherwise he will come and he will hit me, mother upon sons, and you said, I will surely make it do well with you and I set your seed in place like the sand of the sea which cannot be counted out of the abundance,”

    I was reading Ma’asei (Acts 13:18 – 19) and it hit me. “For some forty years He took care of them in the desert, and after He had destroyed ‘seven nations’ in the land of Kena’an he gave their land to his people as an inheritance.”

    Deu 7:1 “When YHWH Eloheim of you shall bring you into the land where you go to possess it, and has cast out many nations BEFORE YOU, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hiwwites, and the Yebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than you. 2) When He does this, when YHWH Eloheim of you hands them over ‘AHEAD OF YOU’, and you defeat them, you are to destroy them completely!”

    What I see in all this is that perhaps Ya’cob had to “PASS ON AHEAD OF THEM” as Ya’acob was not bowing down to Esaw as we may think, despite him calling Esaw, “my master”; but rather, Ya’acob bowed down seven times to YHWH the Elohey Avraham, and the Elohey Yitzhhak (let us not forget that ‘seven’ represents an oath).

    He, Ya’acob (a servant of YHWH), was bringing the bride home into the land (what if she is not willing to follow me to this land)
    As he passed OVER BEFORE them, and bowed, perhaps he claimed every word that YHWH had spoken to him concerning the physical and the spiritual for future descendants, the whole house of Yisra’el, and that includes “us”. D’varim 29. “But I am not making this COVENANT and this OATH (seven) only with you. Rather I am making it both with him who is standing here with us today before YHWH our El and also with him who is not standing here with us today.”
    He knew that that land, was a land that YHWH had searched out of all the lands, and given it as an inheritance to Abraham and his seed after him forever; even though Ya’acob would be a sojourner in that land and would not physically take hold of the inheritance.
    The following is from Ben Ehrhardt from “Hear O Israel”.
    Hittites – Fear of Terror (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘chesed’ – loving Kindness, Mercy)
    Girgashites – Unsure foundation (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘Yesod’ – Foundation, Strong Beginning)
    Amorites – Pride and boasting in oneself (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘Malchut’ – Kingship, Sovereignty)
    Canaanites, – Hopelessness & depression (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘Hod’ – Splendour, Majesty, Esteem)
    Perizzites – The breaker of breach (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘Netzach’ – Victory, Eternity, Endurance)
    Hiwwites – Worship of false mighty ones (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘Gevurah’ – Strength of character, Fortitude)
    Yebusites – Rebellion (overcome with YHWH’s attribute ‘Tiferet’ – Beauty, Harmony)


  6. Dear Brother Rico, thank you so much for the teachings you faithfully share with us. They are definitely edifying! We know that you don’t seek a pat on the back as you say, but it is not overlooked the time and effort and heart (!) that you devote to study so that we all can be partakers and beneficiaries of what you impart. We have been doing the Torah portions weekly for a while now together as a couple (yeah 🙂 and it is a true gift and blessing to have a better understanding of our Father’s/King’s heart towards His family Yisrael. We really look forward every week to your studies and we want you to know that as we have pointed others to them, both here on your website and also yah-tube, that the blessings are multiplying to others who are hungry for the Word of Yahweh! You also teach on so many subjects that somehow we have never heard and yet – the subjects are vital and another incomparable gift; ie, the Temple Service and the Red Heifer – to name just a couple – WOW, truly what a gift! Gene (my husband) and I are always saying that we only wish we had known and applied/lived these things years ago and we must admit we are sad at times that we did not live pleasing to our Father for years. Thanks to the amazing compassion and mercy of our tender-hearted Father – He still gave us the opportunity to know Him and serve Him at this stage in our lives. Praise be to Yahweh forever and ever! Thank you again and to your precious family and also all those that serve with you to make what you do possible 🙂 Shalom, Cassandra and Gene Conroy

  7. What a great teaching! Lots of excellent information!

    For those of you interested in learning more about the origins of the Menorah, take a look at the book, “The Emblem of the State of Israel: Its Roots in the Nature and Heritage of Israel” by Nogah Hareuveni. According to Hareuveni, the Tabernacle’s Menorah was designed in accordance with the shape of salvia palaestina (sage).

  8. I have thought for many years that Rome and Islam are connected in some way. Some of what is said in this teaching, strengthens that thought. Of course, all the enemies of Israel will combine their efforts to “wipe her off the map” – but, just as Jacob separated …..

    The prayer Jacob prays in Gen 32:10-13, will be one to surely remember in times near to come. I can so see how we are so in this time of prophecy. Abba, help Your people to turn their faces back to You. We need to know our positions and battle plans.

  9. Many blessings be upon you and your family from the heavens above and this earth below! Thank you for all your hard work it gets better with every teaching!
    Yosef in Texas

  10. Thank you for your hard work brother. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. I’d like to offer a different perspective on a comment you made about the two houses. Why would we not consider the sending out of Jacob from Isaac’s house to Laban’s the first instance of the splitting of the family? In that instance Isaac is a shadow of the Father who has two sons. He sends one away, the younger out of the land and the older remains with him. Maybe I’m crazy but it seems logical to me.


  11. Rico, I’m a new member of your site and teachings. I think your great!! My favorite. I have a lot of catching up to do. New to the Torah, Christian all my life. We as a family we are being obedient children of our Father by following the dietary laws and Sabbath. Learning everyday. Just wanted you to know that I’m your loyal student and appreciate all your work. I in the boat with you dude! A fellow Puerto Rican…

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