Don't Forget to
In this Torah study Rico talks about the commandments and precepts in the Torah portion Va'etchanan. After a great journey and years in the desert, Moses fails to enter the Promised Land, and again instructs the people in the statutes and rules within the Torah, given by our King. Also in this portion is we have the Shema, which is considered the greatest of the commandments.
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2 thoughts on “Va’ Etchanan – Mitzvot – 2022”
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Loved this insight. Thank you Rico!
If I’m not mistaken, when it comes to the tefillin the Sadducees viewed the verses in Deuteronomy as figurative, while the Pharisees viewed it literally. Should either groups interpretation be viewed as more trustworthy than the others, and why? (what is the best resource to learn about the differences between these two sects?)