The life of Isaac is a prophetic type and shadow of Messiah’s work of Redemption. I pray this teaching will help you continue to make the connections of Messiah Yeshua in the Torah. Part 1 [iframe 600 450] Part 2 [iframe 600 450]
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Radio Interview with Jono Radio about the House of Hillel and the House of Shammai
Shalom The interview is above. Many of you have mentioned wanting to hear more music from Rico and I found a video of Rico singing a song here…So after the audio interview, you may want to watch the video below: Victor [iframe 640 510]

Blessing for Our Obedience to Torah (St Louis Conference)
Shalom This teaching was recorded at the St Louis Conference this past December 2010 and it deals with the Blessings for our Obedience and why keep the commandments of Yah. Shalom Rico [iframe 600 450]

What is the Gospel? Video
Shalom: This Teaching will explain how to understand the work of Yeshua and how he took the Sin of Israel upon himself and died to Restore Israel to its rightful place in the Kingdom. Part 1 [iframe 600 450] Part 2 [iframe 600 450] Part 3 [iframe 600 450] Part 4 [iframe […]

Pagan New Year
[iframe 640 450]

The Teaching on Mithras and Christianity
Shalom: This teaching about the deception of the Dogma of the Church system and how it has influence the mainstream religion. We all come from this background and Praise Yah that we are returning to the truth of the Torah and becoming spiritually clean by the truth of the Word and by the work of […]