Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers the instructions for first fruits offerings, the building of the altar on Mt. Ebal, and the blessings and curses ceremony.
Sometimes there are times when we just need to read and learn how to Hear and Obey. This portion is about learning that disobedience brings serious consequences.
This week's Torah Portion has multiple topics , underlying themes and legal principles within just a little over 3 Chapters. These chapters are focusing on the Royal Land Grant as Israel is getting ready to cross the Jordan to take possession of the Land promised by OUR Suzerain YHWH to Abraham and his descendants.
Have you ever wondered why..
Israel was to set up the stones at Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim?
What exactly were those stones?
What are the legal concepts in Covenant Making behind "garments" and "sandals" in Scripture and Ancient Near East?
Is the legal language of the garments and sandal found in the First Century Writings?
We will investigate the answers to these questions so we will be able to recognize just how much even the smallest of detail in certain verses ties into Scripture being a legal Constitution to the Commonwealth of Israel.
We will also discuss discuss the importance of justice and righteousness and our mandate to not pervert justice and how important this is in light of all the doom & gloom end-times predictions that are plaguing the HR movement.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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41 thoughts on “Torah Portion Ki Tavo Complete”
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Daniel: Has anyone done a study, relative to the sandal and walking on the territory that belongs to Yah, that traces out where Yeshua walked? As in, did He trace out boundaries? Did where He walk tell us anything if we were to trace His travels on a map? It just struck me that He walked with purpose, so perhaps He was purposing to tell us something.
Some of the links from ANET 2010 seem to not be available.
Hi Ken,
If you are referring to the THE-OATH-THE-CURSE-AND-THE-GARMENT.pdf, it has been updated.
Koran follows none of the customary legal land ownership practices of the region. All the gods/kings of the natons had sons (heirs) passing on the national covenant to the heir while Suzerain sill alive is everlasting life.
allah has no sons (heirs) when he dies his “kingdom’ dies with him. He has no sons heirs as he has nothing to give.The followers have stayed in the status of mauraders, thieves and liars. It has nothing to offer.
We do our best to bring first fruits, we spirituaize this like many other things (Grk) annot do any offerings when no Priesthood, Temple, Altar. We are now into giving generously when the need is expresses. We are to take care of our immediate famiy, extended, neighbor, wiows, orphans and fatherless, as best we can.
We are praying for you and your family, Rico.
Thanks so much Rico, Ryan and Daniel! I was laid out this weekend with a pancreatitis flare up so jut got to this today. Daniel, the rocks, sandals, garment stuff is blowing my mind! Thank you! This is forever changing my reading of so many scriptures!
Both my husband and I are listening to this Torah portion and it is really good. We are both enjoying it and want to thank you for your time put into this.
Blessings to you and your family,
Coogan and Cynthia
Todah Rabah!!!! I love your teachings!! This was a great Torah portion study!!! You bring forth so much from the Scriptures!!!!!
Blessings to you, Mary, and your boys!!!
Great one Ryan! Really appreciated that POV
I saw a film about the Saudi Kings, once a year, he throws a banquets for the citizens (clients) and they line up and come before him with their pet ion, could be start up money for a business, a house, whatever, and he’d grant their petition.
Brother Rico,
I was blessed to hear you read Scripture from Isaiah 60. Adonai gave me the music to these Words, of which I’ve recorded on my new CD, “Spirit-Filled Israel”:
DeVora Clark
Ryan, thank you for all of your studying and then being able to make it relatable. I really enjoy these nuggets.