Torah Portion Pinchas Complete

Home » Torah Portion Pinchas Complete

Numbers 25:10-29:40

1 Kings 18:46-19:21

Pinchas WT

This Parashah covers the covenant of shalom that Pinchas receives for killing Cosbi and Zimri, the order to harass the Midianites because of Ba'al Peor, the census of the next generation of Israelites, the ruling over the daughters of Zelophad, the transfer of power from Mosheh to Joshua, and the commandments concerning the offerings for daily, Shabbat, New Moon, and Feast day services.

This teaching is a very important portion about the roles of Messiah during the first coming and the role of Messiah in the second coming.

The understanding of the Temple Service is critical to know in which role Yeshua came the first time. The point is about if Yeshua is the LITERAL KING OF THE EARTH RIGHT NOW? or The HIGH PRIEST OF THE HEAVENLY TABERNACLE?

You will be challenged by this teaching in trying to reconcile some things that we were instructed in the system of Christianity.

This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.

  • 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
  • ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
  • Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
  • 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
  • Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah

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Rico Cortes

I am a teacher of Scriptures, Torah follower, and believer in Messiah Yeshua. I have been given the opportunity to share the Word of God with many believers around the world. My work as a servant of the Most High God has allowed me to be a voice to spread the good news of the New Testament, unveiling its truth through context and the obedience to the Almighty through his Torah.

48 thoughts on “Torah Portion Pinchas Complete”

  1. I see the Torah as “a lamp”, the cord as “the Spirit/Yeshua” and the outlet as “the Father/Yahweh. When the lamp is plugged into the outlet, it is “illuminated”. So when I read orthodox commentary, because I am “plugged in”, the Torah is illuminated and I can “connect” so much I couldn’t, had I not been plugged into the Father by the Spirit. Many orthodox, I truly believe, are “plugged in”, they just don’t know it!! I’ve read all of Abraham Joshua Heschel’s books, and IF ANYONE was “led by the Spirit” unknowingly, he was!! He just didn’t “recognize” that whom was in his heart – Yeshua Himself – but, “His sheep will hear His voice and recognize it”!!!!

  2. Today sexual immorality is more widespread then ever before; not just physically but even embraced as a source of entertainment on tv, games, in movies and music.
    Talk about mixing the holy with the profane, we now have ‘Chrislam churches’ and “Holy” matrimony for same-sex marriage.
    Why wouldn’t we use Hebrew/Jewish commentaries?!! They are awesome and so revealing! It’s like the difference between using a match and a torch, you see a lot more right away!! Just imagine how amazing it would have been to have had Jewish sages studying the works of the Hebrew NT over the last couple of thousand years — can you conceive of the treasures they would have found!!!!

    No wonder the brethren in the House of Judah will cry and mourn in bitterness, to have lived and died for generations rejecting their own son, the knowledge of Him and His offered intimacy.

    Yet, because of His mercy, we will all Praise Him for His love and grace, He is truly Wonderful, Praise Yah.
    Here are a couple of links with commentary about Elisheba the wife of Aaron; and
    Oh boy Rico, that was a lot of information – thank you for all you do as His servant to serve us. I had to stop and re-start this teaching so many times because I do better with visuals; talking is not the same as seeing!! That’s probably why going to Israel is like adding another dimension to your understanding. Well I plan to get there eventually… Thanks again,

    ps, for the longest time I though ben Joseph was of Joseph and Mary, not Israel’s Joseph…. (laugh 🙂 at myself)

  3. Rico,
    Thank you for that awesome teaching, I was raised believing that Yeshua is in the role of High Priest now, but didn’t understand how everything else fit, this has really clarified the roles of our Messiah Yeshua for me, and the last sciptures you read in 1 Cor 15:15-28, wow! I got it! The light bulb didn’t just go on, it practically exploded. Blessed be Yahweh!
    And blessings to you brother Rico,


  4. Shalom minimommy1,

    You’re right about the women’s and gentiles court being an invention by those in Herod’s time. Herod himself was responsible for the expansion of the area surrounding the temple proper. I think he did it to help ‘commercialize’ and provide for a more inviting landscape for all the visitors that came.

    The temple was not only popular with the ‘Jews’ but with gentiles as well. This was also the place where pilgrimages were made to, the feasts were held at and the gentiles were curious about. There was a lot of gold there and LOTS of commerce with much money to be made!

    I found some links that go into more detail, pretty interesting…

    ps, I don’t know how accurate any of the information is from these links but they do provide some good general information.

  5. Shalom,
    You asked if I am excited and I have to say yes I am. I am beginning to understand the difference between the melchizedek priesthood and the levitical priesthood.
    You have answered some of the questions I have struggled with.
    Here is one of my questions.
    In Jer 33:17 – a man to sit on the throne forever.
    In Jer 33:18 the Lĕwites, there is not to cease a man to offer burnt offerings before Me,
    I realize that v17 is speaking of Messiah
    but these verses are combined together as the covenant with David.
    Can v18 be speaking of Messiah also?

    Another question: where in the description given to Moshe does it speak of the women’s court and the gentile court? I can’t seem to find it.
    I am wondering if this was an invention by those alive in Herod’s time when that temple was built.

    Thanks for the time you spend studying.

    1. Malachi Hilkey
      I read this article this past week. Amazing stuff, YHWH is directing His people… Soon, WE will also be able to join in worshipping in Spirit and in Truth, and our sacrifices will be heard!

      –This link is to show that even the Karaite Jews worship in this manner, maybe it can link you to where you seek, in regards to “WOMEN COURTS”. The women are in the balcony, while the men are in the court, worshipping/praying.


  6. This makes sense now…Messiah is the High Priest that is interceding on our behalf. That is the role of the High Priest in the Tabernacle. Thank you Rico for this teaching.
    Would you please recommend some resources in which to get started studying the Tabernacle? This is my greatest desire because I now realize we know nothing if we do not understand the details and order of the Tabernacle. It all comes down to this one thing.
    May our Father continue to use you to teach those who are thirsty.
    Shalom to you and your family!

  7. WOW! AWESOME & AMAZING teaching!! The truth of it bears witness to my spirit. Thank you for putting yourself out there to bring us YHWH’s word. I pray YHWH’s protection over you as you seek to minister. HallelYah!

  8. Rico,
    Wow Brother! I will have troubles sleeping for a week on this Ruach inspired message!

    I took your advise that you gave me a while back and have done a lot of studies on the temple. I went to a lecture from Hativah Ministries Mr. Joseph Good taught. So for me I really get it and this teaching is so exciting that I want to share it with the world but I need to calm down. I can’t even listen to the second part in one setting. I’m serious this brought chills to my body. I have never heard amessage that inspired me to the core so much. I also use the Sorcino Pentateuch & Haftorahs with RabbiHertz so when you were taling about the broken vav I was looking at it.

    Rico, this teaching is inspired and needs to be put on youtube somehow and also share with some Orthodox Rabbis (Not just any but a select few). I have one in mind that does some very inspirational messages and talks about Moshiach a lot. The thing about a live recording is it may never come out the same as this one did today completely inspired by the Ruach.

    Baruch Hashem Yahweh for giving us the way of salvation Y’shua,
    paulgem123 on youtube

  9. Rico – I am so happy to hear that you do NOT doubt Messiah. WHoooWHoooWhoooo. Ive been praying for you as you have snakes in disguise (former believers who are now antiPaul/antiMessiah) around you……..Baruch HaShem et Todah Rabbah Abba………

  10. Rico its sad, that you constantly have to explain(defend) yourself and your heart that you mention in the video’s. My wife and I understand your heart and your doing an awesome job, we appreciate you and your families effort. Pray the body can have a softer heart.

    1. Shalom
      When we start new things many people will reject it at first but I pray that my intention is to build up the body is never to divide or create controversy. But we need to learn the proper protocol of the kingdom of YHVH. Thanks for your support

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  11. Rico, in Rev 1:7 it is written, that every eye shall see Him coming in the clouds, well we are advised to know the season of His return, just not the day or hour…..Y’shua is do to return on the Feast of Sukkot……correct me if Im wrong, so then, if we are out in our Sukkahs it will be very easy to see things going on in the heavens and thats how every eye shall see him!

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