Don't Forget to
This Parashah covers Mosheh's viewing the land, Mosheh's demand for obedience, the cities of refuge, the Ten Words/Commandments, the "greatest" commandment, and Israel's status as a chosen people
In this week's Torah Portion we will continue our focus on the legality of the Book of Devarim structured as a Suzerain-Vassal Treaty by digging deeper into some prevalent concepts that are found in these chapters. I pray that once we investigate these legal-covenantal concepts in their Ancient Near Eastern context, that we will gain a clearer understanding on how to "love" or be "loyal" to our King and also see how significant the Shema, the Oath is that we speak refers directly to the faithfulness and the "Divine Integrity" of Our KING YHWH.
We will also focus on the other verses of the Shema in Deuteronomy 6:5-6 and expound more into the mindset of the ancient near east and the topic of the heart. It is all about returning to the proper order,function and will of YHWH at the beginning of Creation. This will help us to bring more clarity to the topics of circumcision of the heart, the covenant written on our hearts in Jeremiah 31 , the Parable of the Sower and many other verses dealing with the heart through out Scripture.
This page includes Torah Portions from multiple years covered by Wisdom in Torah. Each year we covered the Torah from a different perspective so you can explore each Parashah from a different perspective and focus.
- 2010 Portions: Focus on Messianic connections in the Parashah
- ANET Portions: Focus on the ancient Near Eastern cultural context of the Parashah
- Mitzvot Portions: Focus on explaining and exploring the commandments found in the Parashah (in progress)
- 2015 Portions: Revisiting the Parashah looking at the ancient cultural context more in depth with additional areas that have been researched
- Brit Portions: Focus on connecting the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) to the Parashah
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52 thoughts on “Torah Portion Va’Etchanan Complete”
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I love to sit under your teachings because the love you have for our Elohim is so evident and full, and the Spirit in me is stirred when you exalt our Heavenly Father:) I am grateful to you for keeping me strong in the Torah, for there are not many teachers who teach with Abba’s agape love. Guard your heart, brother Rico, and know that you are loved by many talmidim:) DeVora Clark
For years I have studied the Bible to obtain knowledge.Yet, even with my desire and hunger for knowledge, I, also, had a strong desire to be pleasing to Yah. I would find myself asking Him, ” how can I love you?” I wanted so much to be pleasing to Him and to show Him I loved Him. Got my answer in 1John. To love Him is very simple and basic…we just keep His commandments!! Wow! What an awakening. Those scriptures have flown over my head all this time. Your ministry has helped me to find that answer. Now I’m studying to find what to do that will bring honor to Him. It helped that I saw in you a sincere desire to please Him. I thank Yah for servants like you.
Yo Rico,
Doesn’t the time for repentance start in the month of Elul? And doesn’t it take 40 days till Yom Kippur to do the Sellichot Prayers?
Strenght be with you in these difficult time!
Shabbat Shalom man
I seem to have put my wrist on something to send this accidentally (not hard to do on a notebook), so just to resend last part –
Oh how proud and full of ourselves we are still, we still following in the footsteps of our ancestors under Yarov’am, we still seem to be rebelling against the dynasty of Dawid to this day (M’lakhim Alef 12:16 – 20. …”No one followed the Dynasty of Dawid except for Y’hudah”. Come on Ephrayim, what is this telling us?? Our ancestors couldn’t hack it, after three years under Yarov’am going up to Yahrushalayim to be with Y’HUDAH, to worship YHWH (not as the House of Yisra’el’s practicing was, but as Y’hudah’s practicing was), our ancestors were doing their own thing once again, saying to Y’hudah….”Do we have any share in Dawid? We have no heritage in the son of Yishai! Go to YOUR TENTS Yisra’el!
Care for your own house, Dawid!”
Is that summing us up still, or will many of us this time of Teshuvah, turn away from our Prideful ancestral sins?
Did anyone notice that it says in Yechezk’el 37:19
them that Adonai Hashem/Elohiym says this: “I will take the stick of Yoseph, which is in the hand of Ephrayim, together with the tribes of Yisra’el who are joined with him, and put them together with the stick of Y’hudah and make them a single stick, so that they become one in my hand”. Do you notice that YHWH will put Ephrayim together with Y’hudah, He is not going to put Y’hudah together with Ephrayim. “Y’hudah first, then the gentile”(or he who has thrown away his circimcism) is that not what we are told in the first century writings? Just maybe, we don’t fully see how YHWH sees Y’hudah,after all, did Yahushua come for the sick but not those who were whole? Did Yahushua come for sinners and not those who were righteous? Who were the righteous he was talking about, if they were not those following Torah. Do we not see Z’kharyah and Elishava RIGHTEOUS before YHWH, observing ALL the Mitzvot and ordinances of YHWH BLAMELESSLY?!
Thanks Rico, we need to make Teshuvah in so many ways.
Shabbat Shalom and Sh’vua Tob
Shalom Rico,
Praise to our King for giving you the teaching to impart to others through the Ruach Ha Kodosh, we are grateful to YHWH Eloheynu that He is raising up a faithful servant who wants to be like His son Yahushua, as do we all. Like a lamb, Yahushua was led to the slaughter, he did not say a word in his defense, for he knew that he could have called on all of Heaven’s army, but was obedient to the end. Our hearts desire is to be obedient to the end, even in adverse conditions, so we can be called the Sons of the Living Elohiym.
I know you mention ‘movement’ here Rico. I guess once when first coming into the ‘turning around’ process, I may have thought ‘movement’ or many other names the ‘Two Housers’ use these days; but now I just simply see myself as a ‘returning Ephrayimite’ who is now part of the Commonwealth of Yisra’el. Yahushua said he ‘did not come but for the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisra’el’. I was a lost sheep, he found me, now I’ve begun the process of returning.
I thank you for the message of ‘Repentance’. Right now I see that we are those Yesha’yahu speaks about in 9: 18(19) – 20(21) “…No one spares even his own brother. The one on the right grabs, but stays hungry, the one on the left eats, but is unfilled. Everyone devours his own arm’s flesh – M’nasheh DEVOURS Ephrayim; and Ephrayim, M’nasheh; while together THEY OPPOSE Y’hudah.
Oh how proud and full of ourselves we are still, we still following in the footsteps of our ancestors under Yarov’am, we still seem to be rebelling against the dynasty of Dawid to this day (M’lakhim Alef 12:16 – 20. …”No one followed the Dynasty of Dawid except for Y’hudah”. Come on Ephrayim, what is this telling us?? Our ancestors couldn’t hack it, after three years under Yarov’am going up to Yahrushalayim to be with Y’HUDAH, to worship YHWH (not as the House of Yisra’el’s practicing was, but as Y’hudah’s practicing was), our ancestors were doing their own thing once again, saying to Y’hudah….”Do we have any share in Dawid? We have no heritage in the son of Yishai! Go to YOUR TENTS
Hi Rico,
We are new to your blog but we have enjoyed your teachings for a number of years now. We are looking forward to all of your Torah and Parasha teachings. Hope your conference in ABQ was a success sorry we missed it. My husband and I attend Olive Tree with Pastor Denise Otero.
P.S. after I reread I will work on punctuation an spelling and again thank you
Rico if I had not found teachers of the truth such as you brad scott,bill cloud,mark biltz I thought I was going to loose my mind i would read my bible non stop there are times when would come alive to me show me things i would get so scared that it would stop that i would read for six eight hours at a time. The thing is that when I would try to share or ask older members they would confuse me because they could not see what i was seeing and in turn tell me what i was understanding was wrong.Buttt I serve a faithfull GOD I never quit searching,when he lead me to you few and faithfull ,I started to study and It finally started to make sense ,not just a few question were answered but as they were answered whole waves of revelation unfolded.I thank Him dailey for you teachers I BEG you to never stop,or give an inch….I have never been so shunned or treated so badly in my 42 years as when I have tried to share revelations of truth in his word.Keep your chin tucked in and guard your heart..and NEVER EVER stop teaching. thank you Glen Grove
Dear Brother Rico, I stand with Yahweh, my brothers, sisters and those who are still to come to Israel and most of all with the Torah Teachers that Yahweh has blessed us with. Without you Torah Teachers helping us understand the things of Yah we would be struggleing with the truth. I know the Rauch HaKodesh would lead us all into the truth but with you teachers it is just a second conformation. Thank you and bless you so much for all you do. I really do pray for those who have made some bad choices in the programing land that I use to love to watch but now have chose to stay away from. I am going to each of the teachers websites and watch and learn there. Blessing and Shalom Sherri Schrier-Garcia -Casa Grande, AZ
Thank you Rico for the message that YHWH has given you to express to all of us, that we all have some issues that I also need to repent of. I pray that YHWH continues to use you for HIS Kingdom.
Blessings from the Rios Family, from Yuma, AZ.
Hello Brother Rico,
I am often very quite , but because of your message, I have chosen to speak. I thank our Lord and Savior for His mercy and grace that He has Given us through His Son. Keep going in The Messiah and continually have faith in Him and ,remember, that it is He who is the way, the truth, and the life. If we do not follow our Lord, then we can not get to where He is. I love you brother , Keep going and do not quit.
I will Repent in the name of Yahushua for I love YHWH!!
It is time to make teshuvah …we only see what is happening thru our own perspective – let us lift up our eyes to YHVH and allow Him to work according to His purposes. Let us lean only on Him and not on our own understanding. Let us all not enter into lashon harah in any way, shape, or form – let us keep our lips pure and again – TRUST in HIM … for HE ONLY is pure!